Chapter 7: The Crazy Morning

Start from the beginning

The kettle was finally whistling and the toast was finally ready. He grabbed the two making himself a good cup of tea and sat down to enjoy breakfast when he started to hear crying from the bedroom.

Sherlock slowly opened his eyes. His night was restless. Waking up and going back to sleep on and off. He held his stuffie close as he realized where he was. "I'm in a crib?!" He said out loud as he sat up and looked at his surroundings. He was in a cute white crib. He stood up in the crib to try to get out but the bars were too high for him to reach!

This was the first time he was ever actually small. Normally he was very tall, 6"4 to be exact! He would get things on the top shelves for people smaller than him. But now he was small and helpless. He looked across the room to find john missing yet again!

He looked around the room and saw no one. He held onto his dog close as his mind started to play with him. The closet still scared him. Was there someone or something in there? He sat at the very corner of the crib farthest away from the closet and did the only thing he could do to get john to save him, cry.

John rushed into the bedroom like a hero to Sherlock. Sherlock looked up at John with these big teary eyes. John heart melted seeing him like that. "Aww! Sherlock what's the matter?" John said picking Sherlock up out of the crib. Sherlock latched onto john for dear life, that closet was so scary to him, anyone could be in there!

Sherlock smushed his face into John shoulder and pointed to the closet. John looked where he pointed and smiled a bit. "You think there's a monster in your closet Sherlock?" He asked smiling thinking that this was so adorable.

Sherlock nodded still smushed in John shoulder. "Oh Sherlock no one is going to hurt you over my watch here let me show you." He started to walk towards the closet which made Sherlock even more scared. He tried to squirm out of his arms but to no avail. John turned the light on in the closet to see nothing inside. "See no ones home Sherlock. It's empty." Sherlock turned around and looked in the empty closet. Maybe John was right, maybe he scared them off.

John smiled turning off the light and closing the door. "Well enough of that we have a busy day ahead of us!" He said as he walked out of sherlocks room and into the kitchen. He placed Sherlock into a high chair and put a bib on him. He then walked over to the fridge to grab a jar of baby food for breakfast.

Sherlock was not having it! He was in a high chair and bib?! This was already embarrassing enough but he was wet again and sitting down only made him notice it more. And if things couldn't be worse he had to pee again.

John walked back over with the jar of baby food, a suppie cup and a little baby spoon. He pulled up a chair next to Sherlock and began to start to feed him. And this wasn't going ending well. Sherlock flipped the spoon out of John's hand making him roll his eyes and pick it off the table. "Sherlock listen this is good for you. It's perfect for someone your size. Plus this taste amazing it's bananas and strawberries. Come on it won't hurt you!" He pushed the spoon toward Sherlock making him turn his face in every opposite direction.

John sighed "Sherlock come one we don't have all day we need to leave soon." Sherlock stopped for a second "We are leaving?!" He thought to himself. "We are going in public?!" While he was paused for a second john took advantage and was able to get the food inside Sherlocks mouth instead of on his cheeks.

Sherlock broke out of his thoughts to the taste of the food which he hate to admit but john was right, the food was actually really good. He looked at John having swallowed the food. John smiled seeing his expression "See it wasn't that bad. Come on let's finish the rest and get you ready."


Sherlock finished the rest of the baby food. It was actually very good, better than he thought it was going to be. John wiped his face and started to clean everything up in the sink. Sherlock started to drink from his sippie cup when he felt the pressure on his bladder.

He began to start fidgeting in his chair not wanting to wet his already well wet diaper. But sadly for Sherlock his little bladder wasn't as strong as he thought it was. The pressure kept building and building every second until he finally lost control. He started to wet his diaper feeling the warmth liquid between his leg. His diaper surprise didn't leak as bad as he thought but there was a noticeable wet circle on his crouch area.

John quickly finished cleaning up. He picked up Sherlock and instantly noticed the wet mark. Sherlock face turned red with embarrassment. He was about to start crying when John started to comfort him. "Hey hey hey it's okay Sherlock accidents happen. It will be okay, let get you all changed up okay? Then we can go out and start our day!" And with that he walked into Sherlock room. He grabbed a light purple shirt and baby blue shorts. He then walked into the bathroom. He placed the clothes on the counter and placed Sherlock on the changing bed.

Sherlock stood up on the bed looking at John. He tried with the best of his abilities to sound serious "I ton't wanna go out!" He protested to John. John rolled his eyes this is just what he needed this morning. "Sherlock we have to go out. I have to go to work and your going to join me. I can't leave you home by yourself!"

Sherlock protested somemore "Yes you tan!" He said even more mad. John sighed he knew he had to be firm with him again. That's the only way he knew he would listen to him. "Sherlock you have to go to work with me whether you like it or not so either lay down and cooperate or get spanked again and cooperate. Your choice." Sherlock stood there with his arms crossed. He wasn't going to go out and that was that. "I ton't wanna!" He said one more time and that was it.

John picked him out and placed him on his stomach again. He undid his onesie and untapped his diaper taking it off and throwing it away leaving Sherlock naked with his butt in the air. John spanked Sherlock three times each feeling worse and worse. Sherlock broke into tears the moment he started. He swung his feet around to stoop but it was no help and it was over pretty fast. John flipped him over, he powdered his up and put a fresh diaper on him.

He kissed his little head and hugged him "I'm sorry Sherlock but you need to listen to me. We have to go out today and that's that. I know it's embarrassing for you but I promise your secret is safe I won't tell a soul."  John picked up the shirt and shorts from the counter and quickly dressed him. He picked him up, taking the changing bed with him and brought them to the kitchen.

John quickly put the rest of the supplies in his bag. He put the strap of the bag around his arm and picked up Sherlock. He was about to leave when he almost forgot the most important thing that would make this day a living hell without, Sherlock stuffie. He walked back into the bed room and picked up Sherlock red dog handing it to him in his arms. "We can't forget red beard now can we?" John said causing Sherlock to smile a bit.

He picked up his medical bag as well that he almost forgot and headed down the stairs. John walked out onto the sidewalk and into the side of the street as he tried to call a taxi over. Sherlock looked around at the outside world. It all seemed so different to him now. He noticed things that his older self would've even cared about like the birds flying around or they way the trees blew in the wind. It was all so.....beautiful. Finally a taxi pulled over and john and Sherlock got inside. "To the Sunshine doctors office please." John said to the driver as he set his bags down on the seat next to him. The driver nodded and soon drove off. John placed Sherlock in his lap so he could look out the window which he loved! It kept him occupied the whole trip to the doctors office.

Once they arrived John picked up Sherlock placing him back on his hip as he made his way up the steps into the doctors office.

Thank you all so much for reading! Sorry that this chapter seems a bit slow and boring! I'm setting up for the next chapter that will be mostly the doctors office. Also sorry for the slow updates, school has started where I live so it hasn't been easy getting the time to write but assure you I have no plans of stopping either one of my books! If you liked this chapter give it a start and comment what you would like to see happen at the doctors office! If I like your idea I'll give you a shout out and add it into the story! Thank you all so much for the support and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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