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THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS HAD BEGAN AND THE FOUNDERS WERE GLAD THAT THEY COULD BID FAREWELL TO HOGWARTS DAUGHTER IN PRIVATE. Snow fell continuously on the opposite side of the glass windows, dusting the world in a white sheet, a winter wonderland. The founders had all crowded around in the office and were watching their daughter with sad eyes.

When the seer had left all those years previously, the foursome created a being of their own. The mechanics were similar to when they created Peeves the poltergeist but the daughter of Hogwarts had been given only positive attributes. She was made to be strong, brave, beautiful, wise and resilient and they were glad to find that they had succeeded.

The beautiful brunette that sat before them had grown wonderfully through the years. With two wise and kind mothers and two brave and tactful fathers along with a beautiful sister as company, it was hard for her to be unhappy.

"I am going to miss you immensely my darling" Helga sobbed gently as she hugged her, both females were short and dark haired and easily passed as mother and daughter as they truly were.

"I love you Mama" she whispered and pulled back, pressing a gentle kiss to the woman's cheek who smiled and stroked hers in return.

"I love you also darling" With another smile to the jolly woman, Azalea moved to the next person in the line who happened to be her other mother, Rowena was attempting to stifle her tears when she looked into Azaleas warm eyes.

"I shall also miss you Zalie, look after yourself and remember-" she was cut off by her daughter.

"-wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure?" She asked and the older woman laughed through tears as Azalea giggled "i love you mother" she smiled and hugged the tall woman before turning to hug and bid farewell to her fathers.

"We'll miss you Azalea" Godric sighed as he hugged her, followed by her receiving a hug from Sazalar. She was shocked to find her Slytherin father in tears, he had never showed emotion until that moment.

"We have also purchased a present for you" her strict father smiled as he removed a slim wand box from the inside of his emerald robes. The girl took the present in her small pale hands and gently lifted the lid to find the most beautiful wand she had ever seen.

The wand was black with a silver band circled around it almost like a ribbon. At the top, a purple crystal was positioned within a silver holder and the opposite end held a similar silver band. She recognized the stones as amethysts and was astonished by their beauty.

"It is magnificent, thank you father...thank you everyone" she corrected at the end as tears began to leak from her eyes also. "I love you all" she smiled as she tucked the wand into the inside of her dress.

When Godric was about to hand his daughter a modified time turner, a crash sounded and Helena Ravenclaw came crashing into the room with tears sliding down her cheeks. "You don't really think you can leave without saying goodbye now do you?" She forced out and Azalea threw herself at her older sister.

"I'm going to miss you so much Lena" she cried out and Helena stroked the girls curls. Glad that Azalea wore a hat so it could conceal the next words to leave her mouth.

"You'll see me again Azalea, i intend to come back, if only to see you once" she whispered and pulled back to see her sisters shocked face. Helena pressed a kiss to the brunettes cheek before stepping back beside her mother.

"Good luck" they all wished and handed her the crystal time turner, it had been created so that with one spin, it would take her forward in time to the future. As impossible as that sounded, the quartet were capable of great things if they worked together. They were capable of creating a school filled with all sorts of magic along with being capable of bringing Peeves the poltergeist back to life.

They also managed to create a child of magic, creating her body and attributes were easy for them but bringing her to life was as difficult as it had been to bring back Peeves. Sazalar was also able to create a hidden chamber and an immortal basilisk.

"You must go now darling" Godric informed as the girl began to sob as she pulled the chain over her hair, glad that it went over her hat without trouble. With a final glance at her family who surrounded her, she span the turner and felt her body be lifted off the ground.

It was odd, whenever she had tried using timers before she stayed still and everything moved around her but now that she was going so far forward, she was picked off the world and thrown back into the correct time.

A large crash was heard and she felt her body land on a hard wooden table. Items rolled around her and the force smashed the table, slamming her into the concrete floor. Black spots danced along her vision and she glanced around the room.

She was in the head masters office of Hogwarts as she had been before but now it was different. Sun shone through the windows and the decorations had changed though it was still recognizable. With one more audible groan, Azalea closed her eyes to drift off.

✔️Azalea Hogwarts (Harry Potter Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang