♪ T H I R T Y . N I N E ♪

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I visited their dorm just to send back the bracelet yoongi gave me ... They're probably outside now right ? hopefully no one catches me in here..

"Shujin? is that you? hey , its been 3 days since you came and visit.. "I turned around to face taehyung .. Great, I can just give him and leave .. I don't belong here anyways..

"Taehyung.. c-can you do me a favour?" He steps closer and his eyes had a hint of worry .. "Hey is everything fine? your eyes are..." he didn't finish his words when I grabbed his hand and put the bracelet onto his big palms ..

"just.. give this to yoongi.. I need to g-go... bye .. "

"Shujin wait!"


I sat on the sidewalk , eyeing the cars passing by .. I look like a homeless shit.. I'm skipping class and more training .. the chances for me to reach my dreams are slowly crushing too..
I snapped back to reality when my phone ringed ..

"Aigoo my beautiful granddaughter ~~ its me... your halmeoni ~ Shujin-ah ~ how are you ~?"

I bit my lips as the tears fall again.. I just can't.. when I was younger , I always run to my grandmother first when I went through a bad day .. my mum was still working that time and she barely have time for me so I didn't share much stuffs with her unlike my grandmother .. I Share everything with her ; just like best friends..

"shujin-ah ~ is everything okay?? why are you crying ??"  the more I listen to her voice , the louder my sobs became .. I don't care if strangers are giving me weird looks .. I don't care if they judge me..

"h-halmeoni ~~ bogoshipda ~~"



I'm recovering really well now.. But its just Shujin I'm worried now .. Why is she so different? she also rarely come to our dorm to meet yoongi Hyung ...

I understand that she's busy , just like our yoongi Hyung but why do I sense something else?I played with the bracelet in my hand as I waited for Yoongi Hyung to come back home..

"Hyung , Shujin asked me to give this to you"

yoongi Hyung sighed and took the bracelet away from me.. honestly , my relationship with my members are getting better now.. but I'm confused with yoongi Hyung..

he didn't say anything but slam the door , leaving me at the couch , wondering what must had bothered him today...

"jungkook-ah ! give it backkkk"

"I didn't know you write lyrics?? wow these are sick mayn ~"

I watched as Denise and jungkook ran around the dorm .. I envy them .. or maybe just a little jealous? I don't know .. I just wish that I could find my happiness .. maybe through love? just like jungkook and denise..


"meow ~"

i looked to my side to see a white kitten looking at me .. I rubbed my red nose with a tissue before looking away..


"I'm not okay.. I felt like killing myself ... "

I patted its head and caressed its fur .. the white cat laid on the ground weakly as I kept on caressing it . . I giggled and picked it up.. how can people ignore this beauty ? this kitten is so adorable !

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