♪ N I N E ♪

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"Yeah.. I'm definitely going to the wings tour! Ah! So excited to see Jimin and Bangtan!"

Exclaimed ahra while sipping her coffee .. 'Oh gurl~ Youre so lucky! Make sure to tell Seokjin that I love him!'

Ahra laughed at her US friend on the other line.. "Dont worry I will~ Gosh i miss you already Betty" sighed ahra getting up and walking to some stores in the mall...
'awh ahra I miss you more~'

"Babe~ I want this top~ pretty please?"

"Alright alright.. I'll buy it for you"

Her heart crushed.. Tears were threatening to fall right now.. 'ahra? Ahra-ah.. yah you there?' Asked betty through the call .. Ahra gulped "I'll call you back" she said with a semi cracked voice... Ahra speed walked towards those two and gave a tight slap towards the guy... Kim Juho ; her boyfriend

"Dont fucking call me nor destroy my life again"

said ahra with gritted teeth as her palm sting from the slap earlier.. she looked at the girl who's wearing a scared expression on her face then scoffed, leaving those 2 while she walked away elegantly... She's Park Ahra, The Elegant woman that Juho just lost few seconds ago...


"Yoongi what the hell? You spilled coffee onto my skirt!" Exclaimed shujin while speed walking towards her bathroom to wash off the stains.. yoongi chuckled.. ever since they made up, Things are going smoothly .. "its just coffee~ be grateful cuz its me" said yoongi laying on the couch comfortably..

"Luckily you're my bias ugh .. When are you going home by the way?" Asked her changing into some shorts .. Yoongi shrugged .. "Your home is my home now" said yoongi and she laughed sarcastically.. "You didnt even pay for the apartment, water, electricity bills dick" said her in annoyance throwing her skirt into the laundry basket...

"Hey , you sing right?" Asked him changing the topic.. "uh huh.. yeah why?" Asked her back heading towards the kitchen to make some new coffee for yoongi.. "I was wondering if we could do a collab or something .. You know.." said yoongi trailing off while shutting his eyes..

"Nuh uh.. mister, get your butt off cuz Mommy jin texted me"

'Kick yoongi out from your apartment.. he's missing rehearsal alot.. thanks shu♡'

"So, missing rehearsal aint a good thing you dumbass" spat her out handling him his new coffee.. "I dont even know why my friends gave me a box of coffee mix ugh .. i hate it" continued her as he laughed sheepishly .. "After coffee, I'll leave .. Happy now?" Asked yoongi with his eyebrows raised..

Shujin smiled "I would appreciate if you stay but.. You have your wings tour in seoul in a few days.. I dont want you to get in trouble or such.. and besides I have work so bye" she said grabbing her coat and wearing it then slipping on her sneakers .. "Lock the doors once you leave please.. Have fun rehearsing"

"Mm okay"

"Hey denise~" greeted shujin towards denise ; the cute waitress that she met before.. "ayee~ You're late again" said denise while wiping her hands on her apron... "Someone spilled coffee on my skirt just now.. too bad that I didnt get to wear it though" said her with a pout.. "eyy~ You look perfectly flawless right now.. what to worry? Get your butt on the stage and sing!"

"Hahahahah Okay mom"

As she was singing, her phone buzzed , signaling her that someone's calling.. she ended the song then ran outside of the cafe..


'Shu~ *sob* '

"Ahra? What the- what happened!?"

'I s-saw him *sob* wi-with another~ hiks'

"Him? Juho? Why the fuck- oh gosh where are you now? Im coming"


"hE fReaKinG brOugHt tHe sExY ToP fOr tHat sLut~!"

"YOu shOulD rIP iT oFF! Ugh~ We'Re sO dRunK AhRA~~"

The 2 girls ended in a night club, near gangnam at 1am .. ahra with her pajamas while shujin with her not so appealing clothes.. drinking like there's no tomorrow.. to be honest, it was her first time to be drunk , not like ahra.. she's used to it while her poor friend, got tipsy with the first glass.. the music blasting pumping their veins ..

"BuT I SlAppEd tHe sHit OutTA hiM~~ aRenT I gReAt~?!" Said ahra with her words slurred.. shujin gasped with her eyes shut .. she's high at the moment..

"YOu'RE aMazIn GuRL~ JimiN wOuLD lOve tO haVe yoU~" Said shujin slapping her thighs excitedly.. Ahra laughed.. "WAiT I sHouLd CaLL HiM~" continued her taking her phone and searching for jimin's contact.. pressing the call button, she shove the phone to ahra while giggling madly..Ahra took it and put it at her right ear..


"Hi ~ Ah~ My JimiNiE~"

'This is shujin's number right? Who are you?'

"IM hEr bEsT fReind~"

'Im sorry what?'

Ahra suddenly gave back the phone to its owner with a frown .. seconds later, she started crying like a whale.. shujin groaned.. "JiMinie~ whUt DiD yOu dO~? AhRa iS cRyiNg nOw~" scolded her ..

'You sounded drunk! Where are you ? Im picking you up'

"ThE nigHT CluB aT gAngnAm~"

'Shit.. Fuck Dont do anything stupid Im on my way'

Without saying goodbye, she ended the call and comfort the drunk friend next to her.. "YouR JiMinie is oN thE wAy ~~ stOp CryiN bIsH"

Shujin patted ahra's shoulders before getting up with wobbly legs towards the dance floor... ahra sniffed and wipe her tears .. today was pathetically disgusting .. too much drama .. 10 minutes later, a warm palm landed on her left shoulder..

"YAh~ lEaVe mE aLone~ Go GRinD oN DiCks aNd lEAve mE AlOne~"

"Where the hell is your friend?"

Ahra pointed at the dance floor but she was nowhere to be seen.. jimin cursed under his breath.. this was not the way he wanted to meet ahra for the first time .. but he was impressed with her although she was crying and her hair was a mess .. this girl managed to impress him in this state..

"Im park jimin.. You must be ahra"


"Shhh come on, I'll take you back to the dorm.. You looked like a mess"

Ahra giggled lightly before her body got lifted up by her bias.. her tummy twisted and before he knew, ahra puked onto his black leather jacket .. jimin sighed , taking his jacket off and throwing it on the floor before continuing his steps towards the car with ahra in his arms...


"Just.. stay still and dont puke in the car okay?"



A/n: heh sorry for the extremely late update pft i had oral test and busy doing homeworks .. bless my soul.. By the way~ a new couple is born! AhMin ? JimRa? Idk heh but theyre gonna be cute! Juho can choke and die :3 btw if u think this chapter is lit, press the✩ button loves! Tysm for reading and i'll see u guys soon! Bubye ♡

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