♪ T H I R T Y . T H R E E ♪

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Denise was screaming inside and out.. its only her 2nd day of class and she's already scared to step into the place .. Well uhm .. to be exact, bump into that dude ( I can't tho he's such a cutie I mean like his eyes god damn it-- but I'm still loyal to min fucking yoongay )

speaking of which, I had to drive to her home to drag her out from her bed or not we'll deadass be late on our 2nd day..

"Ah~ ssireoooo ~ I don't want to goooo~~~~ whai you made me goooooo~~~" I kept dragging her till we managed to be few feets away from her bathroom.. "You little-- aish if he disturbs you, I'll just karate kick his ass with my red converse now hurry up!" I said and legit made the whiny Denise get her ass ready for class..


being the great friend I am... I spotted that cute dude waiting at the main entrance .. what's his name again? jaesuk? the running man member? Lol I don't know .. Denise uses her file to cover her face up while I find an empty parking spot..

" I kept on questioning about my stupidity yesterday.. can he just give up on me already? " Mumbled her fixing her hair while looking at the side mirror ..  I shrugged but a grin was plastered on my lips ...

"You have the full package gurrrll just give it a try ~ who knows you both could work things out ? its not that bad ~" I said.. she furiously shook her head and denies everything.. hEy stOB iT

"Just act normal.. don't be too obvious that you're avoiding him.. I bet he wants to take you out ..  "

she sighed in defeat while mouthing an 'okay' .. I patted her back and we both exited my car.. I locked it and we both walked side to side.. in order to get into the building which is where our class is located, we have to use the main entrance and there is actually where that dude is standing now..

"Eotteokhaeeee I'm scaredd~ " whisper-yelled her linking arms with Me.. I rolled my eyes and kept on walking.. That guy noticed her presence and immediately walked towards us..

"Hello Denise... Are you heading to class? um I bet you still have an hour left right? would you mind joining me for some coffee?" wow this romantic freak.. I peaked to my side ; Denise with fear in her eyes.. maybe this jaesuk guy is scaring her a lot.. gosh saviour Shujin on the way ~

"Uh hey? um Jaesu--"


I gulped and cleared my throat..

"jongsuk..right.. uh as you can see we have a... um .. a ... " i was struggling with my words so I looked at Denise again ; signaling her to find an excuse

"a presentation ! and we have to do some research .. " I mentally face palmed myself.. Okay it wasn't a bad excuse .. since He's not from our--

"I thought your lecturer is not around today? There will be another lecturer teaching your class if I'm not mistaken"

what the fuck ? did he just??

wow stalker much?

"uhh yeah.. but we still need to do some researching ... at the um.. the .. "


"yes ! library!"

he looked at the both of us with a suspicious look as the both of us tightened the grip on our linked arms..

"well okay then.. Oh can I have your number ...Denise? We could keep in touch more and you know or probably go on a date or something" he sent her a wink while I contain my laughter .. Gosh why Is he so cheesy? she had no choice to give him her number.. 

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