♪ T H I R T Y . S I X ♪

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I was told to come over to BTS's Dorm because I had plans with Jungkookie.. Well , I finally found someone that could keep me company.. even though he isn't my bias , but still I'm grateful for his existence.. jungkook also helped me a lot on getting rid of that jongsuk dude..  what can't he do? he's the golden maknae after all.. I was waiting at the living room when I heard something from upstairs..

"Taehyung!  you and me, we are over! can't you get it?!"

wait isn't that Minji?

"But it isn't my fault ! Someone took our pictures without us noticing and you expect me to know??"

"Of course I expect you to know!  I get the hate and blame by your stupid armys !"

I groaned as I don't want to hear any further.. this bitch seriously ?? after you caused trouble now you're leaving?

"Its better if we Just end it here taehyung .. "

I heard her heels clicking onto the wooden steps of the staircase as she walked down..

"Ugh why out of all times this bitch gotta be here?"

I gulped down my saliva and got up

"For your information , I'm not here to stalk your breakup scene with Taehyung.. " I saw her smirk before leaving me in utter shock .. wow that's weird? usually she'll fire--

"Denise? what are you doing here?" I froze as I heard that deep voice that I'm very familiar with .. after she left you only now noticed my presence? aisH Denise ~ Stop thinking stuffs.. he just broke up with that asshole

"Why only now you care Hyung? She's going out with me" said jungkook passing by him and grabbing my hand.. Jungkook ugh please don't do this to your hyung.. I know you look cool when you do this but please have mercy .. i could have punch this dude right in the stomach but I held it in when I saw the hurt in his eyes..

"a-ah.. I see then.. Well have fun.."

jungkook didn't wasted any minute , he dragged me towards the van and we head to our destination ...



"Yoongi bear wake up"

Yoongi's eyes flutter open when he heard my voice.. he moaned and stretched his body.. I squinted my eyes at the sun that's shining brightly into the living room.. ah~ I must've fell asleep

"what time is it??"

I looked at my laptop screen and it shows that its almost 9:30 am .. "Probably the time for you to head back to the dorm.. You have work remember?" I said leaving a peck on his forehead..

"cmon.. I'll tag along and give you a hand with the composing..  I wanna see how cool my boyfriend looks like when he work" continued myself with a pout that makes him smile ..

"stop attacking me with your cuteness.. Go on and get ready .. "
I nodded at his words and get ready ...


Yoongi's bedroom is pure aesthetic ..I can't help but to laugh at the contrast of his room and Seokjin oppa's room .. his room is like the dark side while seokjin is like the fluffy side.. well I'm definitely not complaining

"Im gonna shower then we can start on composing .. just don't snoop on my stuffs okay baby?" I nodded when he reached out and peck my cheek ..

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