♪ N I N E T E E N ♪

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Its the day that bangtan will be interviewed for the bill board ! I'm super excited till I mentally jumped out of bed and immediately went to freshen myself up ... I still need to pick up my dress for tonight's occasion..

Grabbing some simple breakfast like McDonalds with the rest, me and my friends went straight to the boutique where I brought my dress .. Last minute shopping we could say... We promised with the boys that we'll meet up later back at the hotel after their interview and our shopping session end...

I tried on the black short dress and pose for a great mirror selfie... This would do it.. Why not right? Only for tonight.. Haneul picked out a nice grey and some black sequins long dress which hugs her waist perfectly... While Ahra went with a nice V front cut white dress .. Dang ,I gotta say .. We're goals AF..

"Let's leave our dresses at the hotel then we could go to the spa downstairs . " suggested Ahra and we all agreed...

Tonight is the night~


While the girls were at the spa, minji secretly went back to her shared room and Shujin.. She saw the black dress and she had an evil plan.. Minji took out a scissor from her clutch and cut few parts of the dress so it looks like its unwearable .. Minji then laughed evilly and left the hotel room..



Shujin looked at it with tears in the corner of her eyes.. The dinner starts in an hour now and everything crushes into pieces.. She groaned when she knew minji was the one who fucked up with her dress...

Minji is just playing with fire..

"How about an afro hairdo for the dinner tonight mademoiselle?"

Said shujin playing the character of a hair stylist towards that little slut..she end up giggling madly later on. .. She's totally getting her sweet revenge soon...

About her dress?
No worries..
She's a pro when it comes to fashion..
She'll look like the diamonds
In a split of second..


"Girl your dress ~ its so sexy ~ ! I remember That it wasn't that revealing when you tried it this afternoon..?" Asked Ahra as haneul looked at Shujin's dress with a weird look..

"I'll tell you tonight.. But for now, let's just wait for that slut's appearance in 3.. 2... 1 !"

And down the hallway comes minji with a big hairdo resembling the afro hair ; which made everyone laugh..

"Taehyung ie~ Look at my hair ~ I don't want to join the dinner~ its a mess !" Whined her like a baby.. She glared at Shujin's perfect form with wide eyes.. Minji couldn't believe it herself.. She ended running back to her room and decided to not join the dinner..

"Gurl, what did you do to her hair?" Asked haneul still laughing.. "What ever you did to her hair , was hilarious!"  Continued Ahra.. Shujin shrugged and smiled proudly..

"Messing with her shampoo and hair dryer ain't a bad idea at all" replied her , joining Ahra and haneul with the laugh..


"For bangtan and bighit's future!"

All of them cheered while toasting their glasses of champagne together... It was indeed the most biggest achievement that bangtan had ever received.. Throughout the night, that particular person couldn't just take his eyes off from Shujin.. Taking small sips of his champagne while his eyes bore into her soul with every movement she made..

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