♪ T H I R T Y . O N E ♪

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I waited yoongi in their van the next day.. the members will tag along later.. together with that dirty slut ugh can she mind her own life for just a second? I swear to god..

yoongi slides the door open and hopped next to me.. I smiled bitterly when he faced me with an exhausting look .. he seems like he's working on his music .. I don't know..

"we still have an hour before I fly to the US .. " he said as he checks the time on his Rolex watch... boi dayumn .. realization hit me when I didn't know when he will be back ..

"when are you flying back home?" I asked as my fingers brush his dark brown hair away from his eyes.. he sighed.. "2nd April ? but we are taking off after the concert ... probably will reach during the day" explained him ..

"then you got no schedules ?? where is the next stop?" I asked again .. I just want to make sure that I can meet him since I will probably be busy as fuck because of the music academy that I just got accepted days ago ..  "I do but I'm not sure what event.. probably interviews and such .. next stop is Asia.. Bangkok .. on 22nd April.." continued him

I sighed.. my boyfriend is such a busy man.. and I'm not feeling good when that slut is tagging along with them for such a long period time .. "you should give Me a copy of your schedules haha .. I'll manage them" I jokingly said , earning a small laugh escaping from him..

"I'll hire you as my personal assistant then.. they won't suspect anything" his hand took mine ,giving it small pecks .. clingy .. "they? you meant, army?" I asked with my eyebrows knitted together .. he nodded his head.. "well they could be veeeeeryyy protective sometimes ... " I mumbled .. "Not sometimes.. its all the time.. " he said pulling me so that I'm exactly next to his body ..

"ah~ I'm gonna miss you... what should I do?" whispered him , resting his head on my left shoulder.. I frowned .. "me too yoongs .. me too.. " my fingers automatically played with his slender ones ... he wore a silver ring on his index finger and it suits his style.. probably Jimin influenced him to wear some keke..

"I've never seen you in any type of jewelry before yet I saw you have a necklace on your dresser ..." said yoongi ... I shrugged.. " I got the necklace as a gift.. as the answer for that, I'm the type to not like wearing jewelry ... except for earrings  and chokers .. but not the overlooking type.. just a simple pair of black earrings would satisfy me ... " I said as I touched my ears where I wore the black earring that I told him earlier..

"You don't like bracelets?" he asked .. "Depends on the design.. I prefer simple ones  .. rose gold colour is pretty...." I said as he hums .. " I'm guessing you can't wear rings because of your fingers?" he guessed and laughed after.. I scowled playfully at him but joining him soon

"Yeah.. I wanted to .. but you see , those rings aren't meant to be worn by these chubby and shorty ass fingers .. I don't even have nails !" I complained as my fingers sprawled onto my thighs .. yoongi copied my movements but he sets his palms onto his thighs.. 

"Even if its short , its still cute and squishy ~~ I can't ~ I'm too soft for your hands ~~ even Jimin lost to you" whined him.. I giggled madly at his words and hidden aegyo .. boi stob it !
as we talked and joked around , time is so jealous till we had to say goodbye..

I faced him for the last time with my palms cupping his cheeks.. "I'm gonna miss you Min yoongi ~ uhu don't flirt around in the US okay? I'll kick your smol butt " I jokingly warned him.. but its true though.. I'm gonna kick the shit out of him if he ever lay eyes on other girls.. he chuckled lightly due to his face got squished by me..

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