What's In It For Me?

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A/N: This chapter will be in KYOYA'S POINT OF VIEW! This is also the FINAL chapter! Woo~

  How long has it been? How long have I been listening to the heart monitor beeping? How long has it been since I woke up being dragged out of a warehouse by Mori while he wrestled with a frantic Honey? How long has it been since I watched part of the warehouse collapse and the rest of it catch fire? How long has it been since Mia and Daniel were dragged out of the rubble by firefighters? I sigh and close my eyes for a second then adjust my glasses. I didn't understand why Honey had started screaming when the warehouse collapsed until he started calling her name. I was knocked unconscious when I arrived at the warehouse so I had no idea what had happened until all of the Host Club sat in a limo behind the ambulance as they rushed her to the hospital. After numerous surgeries, the doctors said they were successful and that she was expected to make a full recovery, if she woke up. That was our only problem. Mia hadn't been responsive since she was pulled out of the warehouse. She reacted to the pain though she was unconscious but after that, there's been no reaction.

I haven't left her side, not even when the rest of the Hosts stopped Tamaki from leaving with Lady Éclair. I've been patiently waiting for an eye twitch, a finger movement, something, anything to prove that she's still alive, to show that Daniel didn't get what he wanted. He was dead when they pulled him from the wreckage, I don't want to lose her to him forever. I look up as the door opens and James walks in. I'd notified him shortly after our arrival at the hospital and he's been here with us.

"There's been no change." I tell him, not breaking my gaze from his daughter.

She looks beautiful, like an angel without a worry in the world. That was only if you looked past the extensive bruising and bandages covering her body.

"Thank you, Kyoya. You took care of my daughter when I was unable to." James says as he sinks into the chair on the opposite side of the bed.

"I wasn't able to protect her as well as I needed. If I was, she wouldn't be here right now."

"No one can be there for someone one hundred percent of the time. If it were possible, she never would've been taken and Allison and our child wouldn't have passed."

"If something..." I start before trying to force out the next word. "If something happens to Mia, just know that she loved you dearly. She was so excited to find out that she could meet you. She was afraid you wouldn't like her."

He chuckles softly and takes her hand.

"I wanted to meet her immediately after the first phone call but I couldn't keep her attention long enough to arrange it. I was so nervous and relieved about it all that my brother had to punch me in the face to get me to calm down. All I'd ever wanted was to see her again, atleast one time, and I got my wish. I got to see her happy. She loves you, you know."

"And I love her, with every fiber of my being, no matter how crazy she makes me."

"Yeah, she seems like a handful..." he comments.

"You have no idea."

The door opens again and the Host Club pours in. I shoot them a look. The sound of sniffling draws my attention and I glance over to find Honey with tear-filled eyes. He walks up to the edge of the bed and places his rabbit on Mia's lap. James offers Honey a thin smile and the dam breaks. Honey starts wailing and Haruhi steps in to try to calm him down.

"Mi-chan I shouldn't have left you! I'm sorry! Please wake up... Please! Takashi and I have to leave in a few days and I don't want to leave you again... I can't leave you again Mi-chan, don't make me! Wake up!"

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now