Sick Little Games

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 "Wake up Mia, I know you can hear me." A sing-song voice calls out.

I shake my head to clear the fog and sit up. Where am I? I look down to find that I'm not bound or anything and the Roses are on the floor in front of me. I check them for bullets before getting to my feet and looking around. What is his game?

"Daniel! What the hell is this?" I call out.

"Ah, you are awake. That's great. Let the games begin! I've got your precious little lover and some of your friends, Mia. You have fifteen minutes to find me or they die." His voice rings out over an intercom.

"What's the point of this?" I ask, knowing he can hear me.

"It's simple, dear Mia. I want to make you suffer. I want to watch as your free spirit dies from your eyes. The clock is ticking, Mia. You better get moving."

I curse and hurry toward the door, hoping that it's unlocked. Of course, it's not. I use my good leg to kick the door open, the wood splintering out into the hall. I run through the hall despite the pain in my ankle. I force open any door that I pass in search of Daniel or the Hosts. This is ridiculous. I'll never find him in time.

"Thirteen minutes Mia!" He teases.

"Oh, go to Hell!" I call back.

"Kyoya, did you know your little girlfriend had such a mouth? She's quite a catch, isn't she? Too bad I'll have to cut your life short."

I shoot the lock off a door and kick it open before pointing a gun into the room. My eyes widen as I find Tamaki tied to a chair with a man beside him, a gun pointed at his head. I train the Roses on the man's heart and order him to drop the weapon.

"So, you've found a friend, how nice. Now, here's your problem. To save your innocent friend, you'll have to kill an innocent person. The men holding your friends captive are completely innocent, no records of anything. They're only guilty of owing me a favor. Will you ruin their lives, take away someone's son, brother, father, husband, to save your friends? Figure it out quick Mia, you've got eleven minutes and a set of twins to deal with afterward!"

His voice cuts off and I grit my teeth as my eyes drift around the room, landing on the camera aimed at Tamaki. I shoot the lens before focusing my attention back on Tamaki and his captor. It's then that I realize the gun was taped to his hands with packing tape and there's a chain connected to his ankle and the wall.

"You don't want to do this, do you?" I ask, moving closer and tucking my guns away as a sign of peace.

The man shakes his head as he bites his lip.

"He threatened to kill my daughter."

"I won't let him hurt her, I swear. I'm going to get you out of here and make sure nothing happens to you or your family." I tell him, faltering my step as he aims the gun at Tamaki again.

"He killed my wife! I can't let him hurt Aimi too! I have to do it! I have to..."

"No, you don't. If you kill my friend and he lets you go, you'll lose Aimi to prison. I will personally assure that nothing happens to her. Please, Sir, lower the gun."

"Nine minutes Mia! Better hurry!"

I curse under my breath.

"Mi-chan!" I turn around to find Honey and Mori in the doorway.

"Oh, look at that," Daniel's voice rings out. "You've got little helpers. Too bad you still won't get to me in time. I want you to look into his eyes as the life drains from them."

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