New Deals

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                    "In order for our little transgression to be forgotten, I have another deal to make with you. My family is looking for a new maid. You will fill the positon and you will assist at the Host Club as well, replacing Haruhi's position as the dog. If you steal from or harm anyone I will turn you over to the authorities, having gathered enough information on you to get you charged on several crimes."
That was what Kyoya told me, in front of the entirety of the Host Club. My response was, well, full out laughter.
"I just told you Ootori, I don't care for life or death. I don't care for freedom or imprisonment. What makes you think I will cave to your order?"
He smirks at me as he crosses the few steps to close the space between us.
"Because you're lying. You fear something and I know what it is." He whispers, just loud enough for the two of us to hear.
"One day, I will end you and make it look like a bloody accident."
He smirks again as his grey eyes bore into my own.
"How long would I have to keep up this servitude?"
"To make up for the money you stole, it would take the rest of the school year."
"Forget it!" I growl, moving away from him and toward the doors.
The twins link arms across the doorway, giving me their infamous Cheshire grins.
"Get out of my way or I'll forcibly remove you."
"But we like the deal, Aka-chan. We want you to take it."
"Don't call me that, and it's none of your business whether I take it or not. Now move."
"Let her leave if she wants. She'll get punished one way or another." Kyoya tells them. "If she stays, she's stuck paying her debt, if she leaves she's stuck paying for her crimes. She loses her freedom either way but only one allows her a small bit of freedom."
                          I hiss at Kyoya to shut up, then again order the twins to move out of my way. My patience has completely worn out and I would rather not resort to violence against children but they're really testing me. The twins pale slightly under the fury in my glare and start to slowly inch away. My scowl turns into a sickeningly sweet grin as I move between the pair. As unfortunately expected, when I'm even with the twins they throw their arms around my shoulders in an attempt to stop me. I sigh and flip the pair over my shoulders, knocking them both to the floor with loud thuds.
"Takashi! She hurt Hika-chan and Kao-chan!" Honey whines while I cradle my hurt arm. Probably shouldn't have done that...
"I told them to move or I'd move them. They were warned. Now, little children, I shall be on my way."
I mutter and start to walk away again. I'm suddenly no longer walking and I'm being held in the air by someone's hands under my arms. My face falls and I look backward to find Mori holding me.
"You hurt them." He says simply, no emotion whatsoever.
"Your families hurt people on a daily basis. I didn't do severe damage, bruised their egos perhaps, so what's the difference? If you'd like I can hurt them. Now, be a dear and let me down please."
"Come on Aka-chan, it won't be so bad working with us. Please!"
I look down from my new perch to find Honey looking up at me with a pouty expression.
"What have I told you about hanging out with male prostitutes? It's bad for your morals, Kid. And pouty faces don't work on me. I'd just like to go home and get drunk and forget about life. Is that so much to ask for?"
No one answers me and Mori doesn't seem to be willing to put me down any time soon. I should've just stayed home today.
"Ootori, I demand two days off a week. I'm no maid or Host Club lackey for two whole days."
"That can be arranged."
                  Mori, who I've now discovered has a slight blush on his face from holding me, carries me to a waiting limo while the rest of the club is following. My annoyance is still boiling underneath the surface but I hold it in check and resign my expression to a stoic indifference. A thought pops into my head and I voice it to Kyoya.
"Hey Ootori, I'm not wearing one of those slutty maid outfits am I? I refuse. Also, I want to gather my belongings from my apartment."
"We will make a stop for you. And you won't be dressed 'slutty'."
Once Kyoya is seated in the limo, Mori lets me stand again but stays close until I sit down in the car as well. The doors lock and we pull away from the school.
"I should've stayed home today..." I mutter bitterly as I glare out the window.
"What is your address?" He asks.
"Follow this road until you get to the bakery, turn right and it's the third street down at the apartment complex."
He relays the directions to the driver as I stew in silence. Thanks to me getting myself caught, I'm going to be living with the stupid Ootori for the rest of his school year and I'll have to deal with the stupid club.
"Won't it be bad if your father recognizes me working in his home?" I point out, hoping it'll give me a way out.
"He hardly notices the help. Besides, you seem to change your appearance easily, I'm sure you'll figure something out."
"Or I could just walk up to him and tell him you're blackmailing me."
"And I'll tell him you robbed us and he'd have you arrested." He reminds me quietly.
"Have you thought of becoming a criminal? You've got the logic and planning for it."
                        Kyoya follows me into my apartment despite my telling him no, and stands in my living room watching me gather the few things I wanted. I tell him not to touch anything as I disappear into the bedroom to grab my suitcases to pack my stuff. I fill one with my clothing and toiletries then tuck my weapons into it before dragging them both into the living room. Kyoya is staring at my stack of books, since I don't have a bookshelf to put them on. I nudge him out of the way and start putting them in the second suitcase.
"Who are they?" He asks a few seconds after moving to another part of the room.
I glance up through my curtain of white hair to find him studying a picture.
"They're no one."
He drops the topic and I stand and put the picture in the suitcase as well. After checking to be sure I had everything in the other rooms, I move to the kitchen and open a bag of chips and pull out a bottle of whiskey before taking a long swig.
"You can't take that with you."
"Watch me, Ootori. If I'm going to be stuck in servitude with you guys, I will need it to keep my sanity. If it makes you feel better, I'll drink it on my days off."
I take another swig before closing it and putting in the suitcase.
                         After zipping the suitcases closed, I move back to the kitchen and begin pulling all of the food from the cabinets and fridge. Kyoya reminds me that I won't be needing any of it and I snap at him that it was fairly obvious. I fill empty grocery bags with the items and shove a few into his arms before grabbing the remainder.
"Follow me." I order as I step out onto the sidewalk.
I can feel his confusion but he follows me anyway. I lead him a few doors down and knock on the door. It swings open to reveal a young girl with dark hair. A broad grin crosses her face as she turns back to call over her shoulder.
"Mama! Yumi is here!"
Behind her, an older woman comes into view, a toddler latched onto her leg as she holds an infant. The woman smiles at me before telling her daughter to move aside. Kyoya and I step inside and I take the groceries into the kitchen.
"What is all of this, Yumi?" She asks, peeking into the bags.
"I'm going on a trip and will be gone for several months. I don't want the food to go to waste, so I'm bringing it to you. It should get you by for a while."
"Oh, thank you so much! Their babysitter quit and I got laid off last night. This will make things a little easier until I can get back on my feet." The mother tells me, tears springing to her eyes as she one-arm hugs me.
"Yumi brought us food! Yay!" I look down to find the little girl hugging my waist.
I crouch down to her level and hug her back.
"Hinami, you're the oldest around here, so I've got a job for a big girl like you, okay?" I tell the five year old, looking into her bright blue eyes. "Your Mama is going to be busy for a while and she's going to need help, so be on your best behavior and help take care of Hide and Touka. Okay?"
She grins and nods. "I can do that! I'm going to be your special helper Mama!"
"I have to go now. Take care."
I hug Hinami's mother again and the children in turn before directing Kyoya toward the door.       Hinami follows us toward the door and I pull something from my pocket and put it in her hand.
"Give this to your Mama after I leave okay?"
She nods and holds a finger to her lips so I copy the movement and wink.
                              We return to my apartment and grab the bags and I can feel Kyoya's eyes burning into me. I roll my eyes and turn to him, asking what he's staring at.
"Who knew you could be nice." He replies.
"I'm nice to those who deserve it. She's a single mother with a five year old, a three year old, and a four month old. Their father died suddenly and she's been struggling to take care of themselves. Now she has food to carry them over and some money to pay their bills. Now, let's go. I want to hurry up and get this whole servitude slavery thing over with."     

A/N: Awww Akahana/Yumi has a heart... sometimes... For those who may be confused, Yumi is an alias Akahana has been using. They are the same people. Pic above is Hinami, just for cuteness.

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon