Mission Accomplished

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I hang up my cell phone and deposit it into the pocket of my blazer, and with a sigh, I use my left leg to push myself off from leaning against the side of a weather worn brick building. The clamor of music, broken glass, and drunken cheers emanate from inside the bar. My boot heels click smartly down the sidewalk as I return to the noisy bar inside. The target is inside, pressing his luck with the drunken women. As one girl smacks him away, he heads over to the next one. His hazel eyes dart about, his bright blond hair sticking up around his head. I claim an empty booth in a dark corner and place my booted feet on the table and lazily track his movements. The bartender here won't serve me alcohol, but the local men will usually send one my way every so often and the waitress would look the other way. Right on cue, the scantily clad brunette places two shots of vodka and a martini in front of me. She and I exchange nods before she saunters off. Shame, I cannot for the life of me remember her name. Miki... Mya... Something along those lines I believe. I use my boot to scoot the glasses my way and scan the bar to find the senders. Three men are watching me intently from the bar, money in their hands to pay up their bets I assume. I smirk at them and wiggle my fingers as a hello before sitting up and letting my fingers trail along the rims, dipping one nail into the liquid. The polish on my nails change color and I scowl, directing a glare at the men. They quickly turn away from me and pocket their cash. I return my attention to my target and find him staggering around still. With him being so heavily intoxicated, I won't have as much fun but I'll get my money either way. Dead is dead after all. He makes his way to the bar but the bartender cuts him off. He turns toward the door so I get to my feet and slide a few dollars into the waitress's hand before grabbing the drinks. I slink up beside the trio and smirk. I stomp on the feet of the two closest to me and drain the shots into their mouths as they open. I move next to the third one and pinch his ear, repeating the process a final time. I nod at the bartender before heading back outside.
The night is dark and humid with a strong breeze. A storm is coming, the scent of the rain heavy on the wind. The streets are empty, save a few vehicles passing by. The conditions are perfect for my task. I stroll across the street to the darkened storefront across from the bar. The lack of light will hide me while I wait for the man to come out. I watch the doorway eagerly, anticipation fueling my body. The man hobbles out, yelling drunken slurs over his shoulder at the bartender. Seconds later, he begins retching and emptying his stomach contents onto the street. That's pleasant. I roll my eyes and use the shadows to my advantage to follow him away from the bar on opposite sides of the street. The next bar is four blocks away and there is a small wooded park along the way. An idea forms in my head and a smirk briefly plays across my lips. I sprint across the road and use the back alleys to get to the park unseen.
I wait behind a tree at the edge of the woods for him to catch up. I can see him about ten feet away so I launch my plan into action. I quickly dishevel my appearance before letting out a girlish scream and running out into the street. I widen my eyes to look panicked and whirl around to face him. He looks startled but quickly gets over that when he sees me as a defenseless girl in the middle of nowhere. I rush up to him and put my hand on his chest.
"Oh thank goodness you're here! My friend and I were out walking and she fell down in a hole. She's stuck and I can't reach her! Her ankle is broken, she can't walk. Please help us!" I cry out, internally rolling my eyes.
"Okayyyy. I will help you! I am your uh knight in uh shinin' armor!" He slurs out, smirking at me.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes and grab onto his hand, pulling him along into the woods. Halfway in, I let go of his hand and quickly duck behind a tree. I can't stand looking this sloppy. I can hear him mumbling in confusion as he stumbles around looking for me. I fix my hair and clothing before coming out.
"Where's your frienddd?"
I smile sweetly at him before leaning down to pull the knife hidden in my left boot. It shines in the light cast by the moon above us. He notices it and sobers up slightly.
"Wha-What's that?" He asks, stumbling backward over a root.
"I'm sorry Sotaru Hideki, there seems to be a price on your head. I plan to cash that in, so if you don't mind, I'm going to kill you. I will make it quick and painless if you prefer?"
He starts to panic, his adrenaline and fear forcing the intoxication to wear off. I watch him scramble to get to his feet and I feel a twinge of pleasure. I spin the knife with my fingers before nimbly tossing it at him. With a sickening thud, the blade hits the center of his throat, severing his jugular. Blood sprays out like a fountain while more fills his lungs, reducing any scream he could muster into helpless gurgles. I watch from a safe distance as the life drains from his eyes and he slumps to the ground. When he stops twitching, I cross over to him and remove the blade. I wipe it on the clean grass and stab it into dirt a few times before returning it to my boot.
I lean back against a tree trunk and hit a number on my speed dial. I lift it to my ear as it begins to ring.
"It's done. The wooded park between the bars downtown."
I hang up and wait for the men to arrive. A wet droplet splashes onto the tip of my nose as the rain slowly starts to pour. Looking around, I can see patches of rain that have broken through the trees. My hand rests casually on my hip as my fingertips brush against the cold steel of one of my pistols. A twig snaps to my right and I swivel to face the man that hired me. I can't fully see him in the dim lighting, just bright green eyes.
"The body of Sotaru Hideki." I mutter, gesturing to the corpse. "Money?"
He ignores me and crouches down in front of the body, holding up a picture next to him. I roll my eyes and keep my hand on my gun. He stands and reaches into his jacket and I pull my gun, wary.
"What are you doing?"
"Do you want your money or not?" He replies sounding annoyed.
I sigh and lower my gun before accepting the manila envelope he slid across the ground toward me. He starts to walk away but I stop him.
"You will stay until I count this. I will not be ripped off."
He leans back against a tree, watching as I count the money.
"You didn't rip me off, smart man." I tuck the envelope into my jacket and put away my gun. "Nice workin' with ya." I mock salute him and walk out of the woods.
A car is idling at the curb with two men dressed in black pulling shovels from the trunk. I nod at them and begin my walk home, a ghost of a smile on my face.

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon