Sunrise Confessional

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  I wake up just before sunrise and yawn before rolling over. An arm around my waist shocks me and I turn wide eyed toward the owner. Why am I in the same bed as Ootori? I close my eyes tightly and try to remember the events of last night. Oh right, I had a night terror and he comforted me. I let him comfort me. Oh my ever-loving frick... he kissed me again, and I let him. I slip out from under his arm and sit up, my hand drifting to my lips. I glance back at Kyoya, his dark hair tousled and in his face. I grab my bag and slip out of his room, shutting the door behind me. I go back into Haruhi's room and take a quick shower before changing into a pair of denim skinny jeans and a black button up left open with a purple tank top underneath. I pull my sandals from my bag and sling it over my shoulder before brushing out my hair.

As I walk into the living room on my way to walk along the beach, I encounter the twins sitting on the couch. I nod a greeting to them and continue on but pause when they snicker. I sigh and turn back toward them, crossing my arms over my chest. I ask what's funny and they start to laugh again before smirking up at me, mischievous lights in their eyes.

"How's the first half of the Shadow Power Couple doing this morning?" Hikaru asks and I raise a brow in confusion.

"Did you hit your head? What are you talking about?"

"Kyoya is the Shadow King."

"We've decided that you're the Shadow Queen." Kaoru adds.

"That doesn't make us a couple though." I remind them, still unsure of what they're trying to say.

"We saw you leave his room this morning."

"You stayed there all night, didn't you?"

"Did something happen?" They ask together.

"Haruhi wasn't feeling well so I let her stay in the room alone. I slept on the floor."

They give me looks like they don't believe me and I sigh.

"There are flaws in your couple logic: I don't like him, he doesn't like me, I'm his prisoner, I'm a criminal, he's a... whatever he is, and nothing happened between us. I'm going for a walk."

I leave the twins behind and make my way out onto the beach. The air is cooler than it is back home from the breeze off the water, but it feels nice. I pause at the edge of the water as the sun breaks the horizon and I take a picture on my phone for memory's sake. I let out a sigh and stare out across the water. What did last night mean? What did it mean the first time he kissed me and I threw him out? I never let him explain his meaning behind it. Obviously he doesn't have feelings for me, given our drastic differences but he's got nothing to gain that I can think of by stringing me along. On the same token, I don't have feelings for him, do I? I've never had a boyfriend or sexual partners, Kyoya was my first kiss actually. This is something that I'd need to talk to someone about to understand it better, but I've got no one to talk to. The male hosts are off-limits for sure. Haruhi is a possibility but how would I word it without her knowing who I'm referring to? I have Misa and Sayu at home as well, but there's the same issue. I don't want it travelling around the manor that I may possibly have a thing for Ootori. Shay's not around anymore and my brother is a definite negative.

"The twins said I could find you out here."

I turn around to face Haruhi and offer her a half smile.

"What do you need?"

"The guys get a bit suffocating at times and you and I don't get to speak often. I know we didn't quite start out on good terms but I think we could help each other survive the Host Club." She explains, coming to stand beside me.

My phone chirps in my pocket and I pull it out, wondering who would be texting me. I flip it open and don't recognize the number but open the message anyway. My eyes widen slightly as I read the message and look around the area before shaking my head.

"What was that?" She asks as I put my phone away.

"It's nothing. But, while you're here, I understand that females sometimes speak to each other about things they wouldn't tell other people. I think it was called "Girl Talk" or something like that."

She nods in understanding and I move over to the folding chairs and sit sideways on one. She follows suit on the other one so we're facing each other.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"First, swear that none of this information leaves the two of us upon pain of death." I mutter.

She holds out one hand face down and raises the other, like she's swearing an oath at court. I nod and smirk.

"Well, there seems to be a person that I've been interacting with as of late. I can't stand him, he annoys me and is the opposite of what I've always been. One day we talked about things we wanted and he may have kissed me. I freaked out and made him leave. We hadn't spoken of it since. I've found us talking more often and I've shared things about myself to him that I'd never told anyone before. We're spending more time together and it's strange."

"Can I know who this person is?" She asks as I pause.

I shake my head. "Certain things happened last night and I had a nightmare. He comforted me and he kissed me. I woke up with his arm around me and we were together. It feels weird. What does it mean?"

She thinks for a moment before smiling.

"I think that the someone has romantic feelings for you."

"But that would be stupid and impossible. We're completely different. I could believe him faking it for his own personal gain, but I can't fathom anything he'd gain from it."

"Perhaps you're not so different after all. Maybe he understands you in a way others may not. He probably doesn't know how to tell you that he likes you or doesn't realize that he does yet. What do you feel toward him?"

"I feel that I shouldn't get attached due to my past and my current servitude situation. I feel confused, like my mind is going a thousand miles a minute but moving too slow at the same time." I mumble, resting my chin on my hand.

She bites her cheek before asking a different question. "How did you feel when he kissed you? Both times."

"The first time I felt shock, fear, anger, sadness, and confusion. The second time I felt confusion, shock, and a bit of comfort and warmth. What does it mean?"

"I can't speak for you, but I'd recommend talking to Kyo- him about it, and seeing what happens. From what you've told me, I think you like him but I can't say for sure. You'll have to figure that out yourself. Let's go get breakfast, okay? We'll be leaving soon."

"I'll be there in a minute, go on ahead."

She nods and gets to her feet. "Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you. And don't think I didn't notice the name slip either."

Once Haruhi disappears into the distance, I get to my feet and look around the area again for anyone else. I turn up empty and pull my phone back out. I send a text back to the number before waiting to see if they would reply. Nothing happens so I put it away and walk back to the house.

"Three weeks Imouto. Enjoy Okinawa." I mutter to myself, reciting the message. 

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