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                 Shortly before the end of his school day, I'm tracked down by another maid to tell me that it's time for me to clean myself up to be taken to the school to fulfill my Host Club duties. I say goodbye to Misa and Sayu, having found them to not be completely boring or useless. We've actually carried on hushed casual conversations as we worked. I take a quick shower before putting on my alternate uniform, the blazer and skirt. I brush out my hair and leave it down to fall at my shoulders. I put in my grey contacts since I'd forgotten to do so this morning and grab a pair of shoes from the pile in the closet floor. I carry them through the house, knowing how hard we worked to clean the floors. I slip down the most recently cleaned hallway and let out a squeak of surprise as someone catches me. I look up into the eyes of a dark haired woman that looks almost eerily similar to Kyoya. I scramble out of her arms and bow, unsure of who she is but she's definitely an Ootori.
"I apologize. I slipped in my haste. Thank you for catching me."
"You don't have to be so formal. I'm Fuyumi, Kyoya's sister. You must be the new maid. You look so young."
"I'm the same age as Kyoya I believe. I'm not fully sure to be honest." I admit. "My name is Yumi."
"Are you in Ouran Academy? If so you shouldn't need to be working here as well."
"Kyoya asked me to help out at his club after school as well. I'm about to head there right now."
"Have fun and be careful. I don't live here any longer but if you ever need someone to chat with and relax and I'm around, feel free to find me."
She smiles at me and walks off down the hall again, leaving me to stare at her in confusion. She's the exact opposite of Kyoya in personality.

                 I make it to the Academy without further incident and leave the driver behind as I walk up the annoyingly long front entrance to the building. I make my way through the school, using my vague memories of yesterday to guide me to the club room. I reach it without too many setbacks and when I enter the room I notice some very strange scenery changes. It looks like perhaps a teahouse or something along those lines, and the club members are dressed in kimonos. I arch a brow and hesitate in the doorway about whether to leave or not. Prison doesn't sound that bad does it?
"Aka-chan, you made it."
"How is our little toy today?"
I huff and glare at the twins who have slunk up beside me, their elbows resting on my shoulders.
"I'm not your stupid toy and Kyoya kept trying to get me to look at him naked. I haven't had enough sleep or liquor to be able to handle this."
"Well, to make it up to you, we have a gift for you." They croon before violently dragging me through the room toward the dressing area.
"It better not look slutty." I hiss as they unceremoniously toss me through the curtain.

                 An outfit is resting on a mannequin in front of me and I look it over carefully, judging it's length and coverage before sighing and putting it on. I'll admit it looks beautiful, not on me of course, but in general. It's a deep teal kimono with a poofy black petticoat underneath and a black ribbon in the center as an obi. The whole outfit ends just about mid-thigh so if I bend over, my underwear won't be exposed to the world. There's a pair of simple black heels on the chair beside it and I grumble that they're trying to kill me before pulling off my high tops and putting them on. I take a few wobbly steps around the room to get used to heels again before walking back out into the main room. I've worn heels plenty of times over the years as part of various jobs, I can run in seven inch stilettos even, but they're still the work of the devil.
"Aka-chan you look so cute!" Honey cheers, having been the first to notice my reappearance.
"Still hanging with hookers I see. I seriously worry about your morals." I mutter in response and he grins at me.
"How old are you Aka-chan? It's hard to tell."
"I'm old enough." I mutter, scratching the back of my head. "How old are you, seven?"
"Takashi, Kyoya, and I are seventeen. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi are fifteen and Tama-chan is sixteen."
I nod, studying the group as I try to commit the information to memory.

                 The doors open and I find myself amidst the chaos of the club as I push along trays of teas and sweets. I pass by Honey's table and leave an entire strawberry cake with him before politely serving the others and moving along. Being nice is the worst thing ever. It must be the work of the devil. I find Kyoya talking to Haruhi while he writes something down. I reluctantly ask Haruhi and Kyoya if they'd like anything, my gaze avoiding Kyoya's. The twins peek their heads over the divider behind Kyoya as two girls ask about picture books or something along those lines. I suppose I should start paying more attention to what's going on. The girls leave and the twins seem to notice me, a smirk on their faces.

"So Kyoya, I heard you've been trying to get Aka-chan naked. If you wanted to borrow our toy, you just had to ask."
"Don't dirty her up too badly."
I glare at the twins and quietly threaten to remove vital man parts and relocate them to their throats. Their eyes widen and they duck back down behind the divider. I definitely need some whiskey tonight.

                 A few minutes later I notice that the girls have left and there's a new girl around, shrieking at the members about how fake they are and how her fiancé Kyoya is perfect. I slink over, abandoning my cart and quietly ask the twins what is going on. They tell me that she came in here and shot down Tamaki before claiming Kyoya to be her fiancé and now they're all in need of new personalities or something. They pay about as much attention as I do it seems. I move over to Kyoya as he seems slightly perturbed by the girl's outbursts.

"Oh Kyoya, I had no idea you had a fiancé. Perhaps you shouldn't have let me see you practically naked this morning. You better go kiss her and make it up to her. You're so lewd." I croon, delighting in the tension rolling off of him. "Renge, is it? I'd watch out for that man, he's secretly a pervert that will entrap you in his personal slavery scheme." I whisper yell, causing the twins to snicker.
"Nonsense! My Kyoya is perfect and sweet and genuine!"
I raise a brow and turn back to Kyoya who is glaring darkly at me. "Did you drug this girl? Was she trapped in your basement or something? Definite case of Stockholm syndrome. We must get her psychiatric help."
"I can take away your liquor." He threatens.
"You're a sick, twisted individual. Come to the dark side we have- Honey? Get off of me small child."
I look over to find Honey stuck to my side as if I were a tree.
"Come eat cake with me!"
"I don't eat cake."
"It'll get you away from Kyoya." He adds.

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now