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 I look up from sunbathing a while later to find that a group of girls had moved up onto a large rock overlooking the water. Those airheads are likely to hurt themselves up there. With a sigh I get to my feet and decide to be the only one looking out for anyone's safety as all of the other hosts seem preoccupied. As I walk, I notice three men climbing the rock toward the girls. Great, that makes things even better, cue the sarcasm. They start to harass the girls and Haruhi runs past me to the rock. I quicken my pace as I hurry along. As I get to my feet at the top of the rock, I watch Haruhi argue with the men and telling the girls to go back to the beach. I realize the men think Haruhi is a boy and I hold back a smirk, instead moving forward and telling them to screw off.

"Oh, what's a pretty lady like you doing using words like that?" One asks as they turn to face me, perverted grins on their faces.

"Listen, this is my vacation and as much as those airheads annoy me, you need to leave before I kick your asses off this cliff."

"She's right, you need to leave. You have no business being here." Haruhi chimes in, her glare darkening as she tosses shells from her bucket at them, the girls worrying over her.

One of the men grabs her by her shirt and I run toward him, ready to kick his ass.

"I've got an idea, why don't you take a dip?"


I realize Tamaki found out about what's going on and came to defend her. I punch the man holding her then dive after her as she falls off the cliff. I grab her arm and curl myself around her so I'll hit the water first. When we hit, my breath leaves my body and I gasp, swallowing a mouthful of water before we can break the surface. Tamaki is the first thing I see as I choke down mouthfuls of air and I shoo away his attempts at helping me.

"Take Haruhi. I'll be fine."

He complies and takes her into his arms before swimming back to shore.

I push the pain back and start to swim after them until it's shallow enough to walk back onto the sand. I'm greeted by Kyoya who opens his mouth to say something, presumably to ask if I was okay.

"I'm fine." I mutter without giving him the chance.

Honey latches onto me, wailing about how worried he was and asks if I'm okay. I nod my head and pat his.

"I'm fine. It's just a bit of water. I'm going back to the house."

I get him to let go and I gather my things. Somewhere behind me it sounds like Tamaki and Haruhi are arguing because he didn't think a girl should involve herself in things like that. I'm a girl and I involved myself but thankfully they all just see me as a criminal so I won't have to deal with that idiocy.

After showering off the grime from the beach, I change back into the tank top and shorts I'd worn as a cover up. I step out to the kitchen in search of a drink and find the others settled around talking. Haruhi looks pissed still and I shake my head. She's too stubborn to apologize for worrying them and Tamaki's too stupid to realize that it isn't that big of a deal. It'll make for a fun evening. Kyoya made me mad and Tamaki made Haruhi mad. Something else is going on surrounding her as well, as I'd caught bits and pieces of it throughout the day. It's something about finding out her fears or something like that. I think the interested hosts are too afraid of me to worry about my fears. That or they understood I wasn't in a good mood and left me be. I grab a drink and settle down on a chair to watch the hosts. I give Haruhi a pointed look and she nods that she is fine.

"Aka-chan, I never got to ask if you were alright. You had already left the beach when I looked for you."

I look up at Tamaki and nod. "I'm fine. It was just a short fall off a cliff."

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now