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 I arrive at the Host Club the following morning, my midnight blue hair dyed black. It's a common color, especially in Japan, so his father shouldn't complain any longer. I did keep a few hidden streaks under my hair. As long as I keep it down while working in the home, no one will know. My focus is stuck on the previous evening, more specifically on the conversation Kyoya and I had about freedom. I hadn't elaborated further on the owner of the Roses. He surprisingly seemed to get the notion that I didn't want to speak about it and dropped the conversation. It was highly unusual for a man who seemed to pride himself on knowing every bit of information he could about people. My train of thought is halted by a small blond boy bouncing up to me and cheering. I arch a brow at him and ask what he wants.

"You should come eat cake at my table today Aka-chan!"

"It's Yumi while we are at school, and no, I have a job to do unless you would like to serve the guests and I'll woo said guests?"

Laughter echoes from beside me and I scowl at each twin in turn.

"Our toy-"

"Hosting? Haha that's hilarious."

"You're so mean I couldn't imagine you even being nice!"

My glare darkens before a smirk crosses my face.

"Let's strike a deal, shall we?"

Their laughter dies away as their mischievous sides take over.

"If I can get Tamaki to faint by acting like a Host, you have to take over my serving duties for the next three days."

"But Boss is easy to mess with." They counter.

"Ah, but you forget that said idiot is afraid of me, so it'll take skill to get him to be around me at all to do the wooing."

They seem to consider my words before sharing a look and holding out their hands to shake. I shake theirs and they scurry off to mess with Haruhi or something.

As my eyes wander the room in search of my target, I hear Kyoya move to stand beside me. Of course he'd be curious to figure out my dealings with the twins. As I expect, he asks what we were talking about and I grin before explaining. A thought crosses my mind and I voice it before I forget.

"Would the winning of this bet add length to my sentencing?"

"Normally, I would say yes, but if you are successful, we may be able to work out an alternative to your job requirements." He mutters, scribbling in his notebook.

I give him a distrusting look but swipe a cookie off of a tray before slinking across the room toward Tamaki who seems to be distracted. I force a fake smile on my face as I clear my throat.

Tamaki turns to me with his amethyst eyes wide in fear. Though his fear makes me internally happy, I push the urge to smirk away and hold the cookie out to him. He looks between the cookie and myself, then at the other Hosts behind me for help.

"I'm offering this cookie as an olive branch, Tama-kun." I feel my eyelid dying to twitch at the honorific but I need it for this to work. "I was really mean to you and it wasn't fair. But now that I've gotten to know you further, I can't resist the desire to get closer to you."

I watch gleefully as he seems to relax and mull over my words. Suddenly my feet are no longer touching the ground and I'm painfully trapped in his arms. Though my arm has healed from the break, it's still a bit tender. I quell the urge to violently retaliate and instead allow him to swing me around in circles.

"My newest daughter loves me now! Mommy isn't it beautiful!?" He cheers.

"But Tama-kun, I don't want to be your daughter." I cut in, forcing my voice to sound embarrassed and shy.

He pauses and lowers me until we're face to face. His face betrays his confusion and sadness.

"But if you don't want to be my daughter, what do you want to be?"

I can feel the eyes of the Host Club trained on us, most in confusion and two sets in worry. Those twins are going down.

"I-I don't know what it is Tama-kun," I begin, looking down shyly. "But I just find myself getting lost in your eyes. Your appearance is even greater than those of Kings and the angels above. My heart races when I think of you and I dream of the next time I can be in your presence... I-I'm sorry for saying that, but I feel I can be myself around you, Tama-kun." I trail off before peeking up at him.

His eyes are wide again and his face is deep red.

"D-Do you really mean it...?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course Tama-kun." I mumble, then lean forward and plant a small kiss on his cheek.

His grip on me releases suddenly and I land on my feet before catching him as he faints.

"Hey, a little help over here Mori, please." I call out and the dark haired boy leaves Honey behind to take Tamaki from me.

I turn back to Kyoya and the twins and smirk. "I win. Have fun doing my job, Tweedles."

"Speaking of jobs, we have things to discuss." Kyoya cuts in through the twins' complaints.

I follow him to a corner of the room as Haruhi is forced to try to wake up their leader so they can begin the day's activities. 

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu