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Say What??•
Your POV
"That will be it for today class, tomorrow we will be getting a new student in the night class along with a day class student." Announced Mr. Yagari.

"Hope to die before I come back." Said Hanabusa while throwing something at Mr. Yagari but he turned around and catches it. Hanabusa sits there looking speachless.

You were walking with the night class students when you saw a crowd of girls huddled up next to a guy with grey hair. Oh,  Zero. Since when was he so popular? 

You were about to call his name when the girls moved over and you saw it wasn't Zero but someone who looked just like him but with longer hair and a bell. Who could that be?? Maybe it's his wait no I thought he was dead. You ran up to Yuki.

"You have any idea who that boy is over there? " She looks over to him.

"No, no idea who he is." Though he does look just like Zero.

"You don't think that's his twin brother right?" We stop for a moment then start laughing a bit.

"It can't be he's dead. Right?" You ask.

"He said so and I lived with him from childhood and from day one Mr. Cross told me that he was found alone no one with him. No family.

So unless he can rise up from the dead I don't know. I don't think that that people can come back from the dead---," You shot her a glare. "Unless they know you and can bring them to life." She laughed awkwardly.

We were just beginning night class when a little girl seems to walk in.

"Hi I'm Maria Kurenai I'm the new transfer in the night class."

"Yes, we've been expecting you." Said Mr. Yagari as he pointed to the empty seat next to you. "Take a seat by (Y/N)." She comes and sits next to you and whispers.

"I can't wait to be friends with you." Which made you shiver because she seemed very perky too perky for your liking.

A week had passed since you had Maria come to your class it was very weird but she was very nice to you. She came to your room sometimes and offered to braid your hair or to just hang out and spend time with you.

You didn't trust her as much finding it weird that she was happy all the time and asked you questions about your personal life. Today you were invited to her room after class to come and hang out.

You also found out that the other boy who looked like Zero was his brother Ichiru. He never even died but instead chose to go with Shizuoka to get not end up like Zero. 

You were going to visit Maria and took it as a way to go and give Senri back his coat.

Later that night

You knocked on the door of the night dorm.

"Oh, Hi (Y/N). What are you doing here?" Asked Senri as he opened the door.

"Maria wanted me to come and see her tonight."

"Oh, well OK." He let you in and you had his coat.

"Here I still have this." I handed him the coat.
"And Senri, I know you said you have a feeling for me but you should talk to Rima, she likes you....... A lot."

"Sorry but I'm not interested." He said walking up the stairs, you following him.

"Why not she's... Nice, and caring." And a bitch at the too.

"Not interested." We reached his room.

"Come on, at least-"

"Not interested." Was the last thing he said before he slammed the door in your face. You shook it off and continued into Maria's room.

"Maria are you in there?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second." She said in her squeaky voice. She opened the door. "Hi (Y/N) so glad you could make it." You walked in and sat on her bed.

"Glad to be here."

"Can braid your hair?"

"Uhhhh, sure."  You said not know why she would braid your hair if she had long locks herself. (If you have short hair she could just comb it or whatever). You get up and sat on a couch putting your head back so she can braid it.

You felt her brush your hair and then putting her fingers through it before you felt a napkin on your face and found it hard to breathe you blacked out.

You woke up staring at the couch you thought you were sitting on realizing you were on the floor.

"Uh, what happened." You ask trying to touch your forehead but your hands being tied stopped you.

"I have a secret." Said Maria. You turned your head to where the sound came from and saw her sitting by the window.

"Maria, what happened?"

"I have a secret. If I tell you you promise to not tell?"

"What..... Uh uh yeah, yeah promise."

"Yay, close your eyes."

"Eh, what?"

"Close your eyes or I won't share my secret." You sighed then close your eyes. About a minute later she tells you to open your eyes and you see Maria on the floor and see Ichiru and a woman standing above you.

"Ichiru, what are you doing here............ And what happened to Maria."

"Shut up why don't you?" He looks over to the woman.

"Why did you have to drag her into this Shizuoka? She asks too many questions."

"Shizuoka?" Isn't this the woman who bit Zero? Wait doesn't this mean she can also help him.

"You see?" Said Ichiru walking over and sitting down.

"It's Ok Ichiru she may come in handy."

"If we are supposed to kill Zero so I can finally get what I want isn't she going to stand in our way?"

"I'm not worthless you know? And if you're his brother why can't you just love him the way he loved you?"

"Oh brother. He was always the favorite child. My parents thought I was weak and grew a better bond for him so should I love him the way you love him? I've learned that you're dating him and that's a big mistake.

Who knows how long it could be before he turns all level on you and rips your heart out? Literally."

"Fuck you." You say angrily at him.

"You want me to? Right here, right now?" He laughed and then left the room. You blushing a bit because you didn't mean it in the way that he was thinking.

You stare at Shizuoka who was still standing there just watching you two argue.

"Can't you save him?" You asked seeming desperate.

"Honey, I wouldn't waste my blood on him." She says as she's leaving the room.

Something's about to go down you think to yourself. And just to think that the worst was over when you fought the level Es and vampire hunters.

You saw a small knife on the table next to the window and decided to try our powers.

You focused on it trying to drag it to you. It worked. The second you got it into your hand you tried cutting the role with it which was hard since you were tied from the back.

You were using the knife but cut yourself a little on the wrist. Soon enough you got loose and saw the blood dripping from your arm. You get up and try to walk but your feet were numb so you fell.

You got back up again and started walking to the front door as you were passing you saw Yuki, Zero, and Ichiru in one room you stopped and watched. Ichiru drawer a sword from his side as Zero grabbed his gun. This wasn't going to end well.
________________________________Omg guys thanks you so much for helping me get to 1.06K i couldn't believe it when i opened Wattpad and saw 1k on my book lots of love guys.