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Written in the stars
Your POV
"Kuran, what are you doing here?" Zero asked while surveilling him.

"I just heard about what had happened to (Y/N the other night and I wanted to check if she was okay." He smiled.

"I'm fine, thank you very much," You said sarcastically." What is the whole losing my memory thing about?"

Zero took a breath in and gave Kaname a look.

"You should tell her 'big brother'." He said then patted Kaname on his shoulders before attempting to exit the room.

"You should stay Zero, it involves you too," Kaname said as Zero stopped and made his way to stand by the counter. Kaname now sat in the chair in front of you.

"I made you forget the memories you had of Zero thinking it would be of how you felt of him, but it went farther than I thought it would. You completely forgot him and any new memories that were created as well. I apologize for that."

"Zero practically begged me to give your memories back." Zero was about to protest but once he saw the happy look on your face, he seemed to blush a little turning his head away.

"Which brings me to why I had to bit you the other night. Now you remember don't you?"

"Yes, I do." You say still trying to wrap your head around this situation. "However, why would you want me to forget him?" He looked down at the floor before speaking.

"You see, since your arrival, I felt the need to do a background check about our family to find out anything else we didn't know. I couldn't find all the information yet." You eyed Zero as you wondered what on earth could be so bad you had to get your memories erased.

"But when I was searching, I found out that there is an old myth about a Kuran and Kiryu being alined in the stars."

"What is that suppose to mean?" You asked crossing your arms over your chest. Kaname huffs and closes his eyes for a moment before speaking.

"A Kuran is supposed to fall in love with a Kiryu." You uncross your arms as you let out a slight gasp.

"If they get married, they will have the blood of the Vampire Hunters Curse."

"The two of you can never have twins because they'll consume each other in the womb. That's the blood of Cursed Twins." You heard about the curse and how the stronger twin consumes the weaker one.

You glanced in Zero's direction. The Cursed Twins, that's what was supposed to happen to him and his brother. You thought to yourself.

"I'm afraid that this could go a little deeper though. (Y/N), something is going to happen and I don't know if you'll be prepared for it."

"Just tell me Kaname, " You push on. He continued.

"I'm not sure if it's even possible but if you have twins, you could die and only one of your kids will live." He continues.

"Along that timeline, when the child is a certain age, he'll kill the father which, in this case, could be Zero."

"You're not just lying to keep us apart, are you?" You asked Kaname, your voice breaking a little. He shakes his head 'no'.

"This is why I had to do what I did. I guess I was afraid for you but I really didn't think it would go as far as you feeling so out of place." He looked like he actually regretted what he did.

"None of this makes sense, who just decides that a Kuran and a Kiryu get married and... All of this has to happen?"

"That's just the way things are. No one can really explain it but I promise to find out more if you'd like. I want to protect you at all costs."

You were kind of mad on the inside but also kind of understanding towards the situation. He didn't want you to be hurt yet what he did cause exactly that.

"It's OK Kaname." You smiled at him.

"I don't expect you to forgive me but at least think about it." He says to you.

"I will." You reply.

"One last thing, I know I can't stop you from two from loving each other and I know that you love him (Y/N)," You glared at him for saying the fact out loud. He grinned the slightest.

"But do you love her Zero?" You both looked at Zero, where he was rubbing the back of his head awkwardly showing his nervousness. He had to have left something, anything at all if he kissed you like that last night.

"Uh... Well...I-- d---"

"I'm back everyone! Good to see you this morning, Lord Kaname!" It was the headmaster. Zero let out a breath as if he was relieved. You were confused.

You knew that Zero wasn't the one to share how he feels, which is why you tried to avoid talking about the kiss and other things unless he brought it up, but what exactly did he feel for you?

It seemed to you that every time he was about to say something that would let you know how he feels, the Headmaster always interrupts.

"Oh, were you guys in the middle of something?" He asked.

"Not at all Headmaster, I was just leaving as a matter of fact." Kaname states then turned around headed for the door.

"Oh, and I hope that you will be attending the dance next week (Y/N)." He says.

"I wasn't planning on it, but I'll give it a second thought."
Sorry, this chapter was shorter than my normal ones.

Word Count: 954