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While Your Still Here•
Your POV

The glass in your room smashes but no shatters on the ground. You sit there in silence until you hear a knock on the door.

"You Ok (Y/N)? Can I come in?" It was Zero. You hesitantly get up and throw Senri's coat into the closet.

"Uh uh...... Sure." He walks in closing the door behind him.

"I heard s crash from my room and wondered if you were----."

"Yeah I'm fine, I guess I was having a bad dream and..." You pointed at the shattered mirror that looked like someone had punched it straight in the middle. "Kind of lost it, ya know?" He went and sat on the bed.

"You know you're a pretty bad liar." You look at him confused then relax and sit next to him.

"How could you tell?"

"Your a deep sleeper even if you're having nightmares so you wouldn't wake up so fast and your hairs in a ponytail but you always go to sleep with it in a bun." He replied while you looked shocked that he knew all that about you.

"Have you been stalking me?" You asked putting your head on his shoulder.

"No, but I will if you want me too." You laugh.

"Who knew you were a softy?" I said looking straight up at him. And he looked at me. We were close enough that your noses were touching.

"I always had a soft spot, just the right people have to open it up or close it up completely." He looked away from you and you knew he had something on his mind.

"What was he like?" You asked grabbing on his hand.

"My brother? You mean before or after he betrayed me?" You squeezed his hand tighter.

"Before. What was he like?"

"He was sick most of his days when we were kids and he always wanted me by his side. He told me he loved me and I loved him too. He was a good brother." He sighed. "Sometimes I do miss him."

"When will you--you know, turn?"

"I don't know..." he replied

"There isn't a way to stop that from happening?"

"One way but I'm doubting it will--"

"What is it!"

"Calm down, it's most likely impossible ok?" I gave him the pouting face. He sighed. "The person who turned me was called Shizuka Hio and the only way that I know I can be turned back is if I drink her blood and I don't believe she'll come around for that."

"Can't we like... find her or something?" You stood up and crossed your arms facing him.

"Hey it's fine you don't have to feel bad for me, I probably won't turn for a while."

"No, it's not fine. What if it happens tomorrow? I'm not ready to lose you for the third time!" You realized that you were talking more about what would have happened if you told him you kissed Senri.

"You're not going to lose me again, no matter what." He whispered in your ear, wrapping his hands around your waist while your two were standing. He kissed your ear and trailed down to your neck resisting wanting your blood.

He pulled down the sleeve of your shirt and kissed it over and over again while caressing your arm. This was making you feel better in more than just emotions. You wanted this to go further. He went back to your ear and bit it gently while sucking it.