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Zero's POV
"Don't say that (Y/N). You know I cared about you." I told her. I really did care for her, it's almost like how I felt with Yuki. Almost, but (Y/N) was just different.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a vampire?" I add on sternly.

"In my defense, I didn't know what I was at that age. I was still transforming I guess." She moved back from me a little and I could sense what she was about to say next.

"As long as we're on the topic, when did the hell did you become a Level E?" She asks carefully.

When she said those words they stung me. How did she even find out about it? I didn't want to lose her but it seems like it was too late for that.

I couldn't face her now that she knew the truth. I walked down back into my room and closed the door. Suddenly she's knocking on it and screaming my name.

"Zero, come on open the door Zero, you're acting like a little child." I open the door and she falls on the floor. I don't bother to help her for a moment before surrendering and giving her my hand.

"I didn't mean to say that it's just---you get too many questions and emotions inside of you that you don't really know --" I cut her off.

"You think I wanted to become this way?"

"Uh... No?" She said unsure. She deserved to know the truth about what happened rather than what she thinks she knows.

"I didn't, it was during an attack that this happened to me." I laughed, kind of in a sad way. "I lost both of my parents and my brother during the attack. The funny thing is that in the end, it was all my brother's fault."

"Ichiru...oh- I'm sorry to hear that."

"I don't know how to feel after these years. I just want to scream at you." She looked down at the floor looked avoiding eye contact with me as much as she could.

"I don't know how to feel either," I lifted her chin up forcing her to look at me. "I'm sorry too. Especially when you kissed me and I ignored you. I didn't mean to upset you when I left, it was just hard for me." I said.

She went in for a hug and squeezed me tightly without any warnings. I could smell her blood flowing within her veins.

"I missed you like hell." She said.

"I missed you too." I hugged her, not so tight so that I would end up attacking her. I really didn't want her to be hurt by me, unlike Yuki.

Your POV
You woke up to the smell of ham, eggs, and rice for the breakfast that the headmaster had made. It excites you to know that your search had come to an end.

You still couldn't shake off Zero nor the way he acted though. Every time you closed or opened your eyes, the sudden memories of last night kept rushing into your head.

It was all so sudden but the weirdest thing was that you were more happy to see Zero than knowing you had other siblings, was that so weird?

"Morning." You said as you saw Zero when you opened your bedroom door.

"Yeah, morning." He said groggily.

"Um... do you think we could talk about last night cause I feel really stupid for acting like that." You said. He looked at you sideways.

"There isn't anything to talk about, we talked it out last night. You said somethings, I said some things, you missed me, I missed you, it's as simple as that."

"Yeah but I just—" You couldn't finish your thought because he sighed and walked away into his room. After some time standing alone in the hallway, you went back inside your room as well.