You meet Spiderman

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-Spiderman Homecoming recently came out so I decide to do a Spider-Man themed one-

You were walking down the street by yourself. You got into a fight with Swift which ended with him saying.
"I WISH YOU NEVER SHOWED UP!" So you ran out angrily but soon started crying. Now you were sadly walking down the street. You were slightly worried though because you left your sword at the hideout and were pretty much defenseless by this point. You did on the other hand manage to steal $10 form Ghost without him knowing and decided to get some ice-cream.
"Stupid Swift! He just pissed me off so much that now I have to resort to ice cream! Now I'm gonna get fat by eating delicious goods and it's all his FAULT!"
You shout to yourself while taking a short cut down the alley.
"Hey pretty lady." Yo recognized the voice and rolled your eyes.
"Seriously Hun you need a life. Like big time." You say while turning around on your heel to face Hun. He had a scowl on his face.
"Well then let's make this quick." He made a quick attack at you and grabbed you tightly. You struggled for a second till you but his arm. He let go but kicked you behind te leg causing you to fall. He quickly climbs on top of you.
"HELP! SOMEONE HE-" He put his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet.
"Shut up you twat." He growled to started to move towards your pants when a large white net caught him and he went to the wall. You quickly stumble up and ran over to him and nailed him in the jaw a few times.
"Learn- *punch* how- *punch* to treat a lady!" You finished him off with a knee to his manhood. Well maybe not a man after that hit. Then you realized that the net wasn't actually a net but a giant web.
"Feisty much?" A voice behind you said. You roll your eyes.
"I could have-" you turn around to see none other than Spider-Man.
"Handle yourself? Sure didn't look like it." He said while walking over to you. You just stood there frozen. He's one of your favorite heroes. In front of you. RIGHT NOW TALKING TO YOU!  He shook your hand.
"Uh...erm....a....I'm Y/N." You stutter out. He chuckles.
"Nice to meet ya Y/N. Where are you heading too?"
"You're house- I MEAN I was going to get ice cream to calm my nerves. My friend ticked me off." You said while still staring at him.
"Friends are a pain aren't they?" He said with another chuckle. You almost died.
"Y-yea..." You say while looking around. He looks behind him.
"You look like you saw Venom or Electro or someone. You alright?" He asks.
"I'm standing in front of Spider-Man... ITS SO COOL!" You shout. He puts his hands on his hips.
"Fangirl much?" He says. You nod.
"I think you should head home. I'll watch out for you." He says. By this point you forgot about the ice cream and did as he said. You nodded and headed out the alley way with him flinging webs from building to building following you. You smiled to yourself. The punks will be so happy. When you finally get to the hideout Spider-Man lands beside you.
"Thanks for watching out for me." Yo I say with a smile.
"Anytime. You live here?" He asks and you nod.
"Yes with my four friends."
"Maybe I'll stop by sometime." He turned away from you but you grabbed his wrist.
"Wait I have to questions. One what's your real name? And two can I give you my number so we can hang out?"
"One I can't tell you my real name.....yet. Two sure." You give him your number and wave to him as he goes off. You walk inside happily and the punks look at you.
"Uh Y/N?" Mc says. You walk to your room ignoring everyone while still smiling. Then your phone beeps.
SM: Hey
Y/N: hi

"Best day ever." You said to yourself.

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