When they dont come back and you break a rule

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You pace around the living room. It's been 3 hours and they still haven't returned.
"Where are they!?" You shout to yourself. You keep looking at the door waiting for them to walk through. Nobody.
"I told them to be careful!" You shout while punching Rebel's punching bag. You sigh and tie up your h/c into a ponytail (if you have short hair you put a headband on).
"Well time to go see some old buds." You say while making sure your Dragon Sword was in its pouch that was tightly strapped to your waist. You grabbed Mc's earbuds off the table and plugged them into your phone. You put on some Eminem and started to rap as you walked out the door. The cool breeze hit you and you looked around.
"Where would they have gone?" You face palm yourself and run down 34th street. You do a flip over a road blocker. You run to the one place you know they will be. The old apartment complex. That's where your ex gang lived. All of you guys. You go up a fire escape on the side.
"These bitches better be ready. They don't know what's about to hit them," you smile at your sword, "well besides my sword." You climb up and slide into the 3rd floor window. Lucky for you it's empty. You turn down your music. No mater how much you love it you need to be silent. You put your hood over head and have a devious smirk on your face. You're excited. You walk through the room you were in and down the hall. They all must be in the first floor.
'Why the hell did I climb up here then?' You thought to yourself. You let out a deep breath as you neared the stairwell. It's quieter then the elevator. You slip down the stairwell undetected. Finally you get to the first floor. Before you reach the handle, the door swung open. You hid against the other side of the stairwell. You take a slight peek to see who it was.....Bullet. Her black hair was tied into a tight bun and she was wearing all black. As you looked over she caught you.
"Y/N! Get out of here!" She rushes to your side. You look into her blue eyes.
"Sorry Bullet. You guys got my friends. I'm getting them." You say while hitting her with the back end of your sword. She fell unconscious. You looked down at her.
"I said sorry ahead of time." You shrugged and slipped through the door. Now you needed to remember how many people were in your gang. 10? Well it's nine now. Bullet's out for the count. You slip into a room as someone walks past. You know who it is, Flare. You growl at the thought of him. He use to pick on you for being the youngest of them all. After he passed you, you sneak up behind him. You raised your blade to him. Before you slashed you let out an annoyed sigh. He turns around.
"Hold on I have to the righter thing." You swung the back end of your sword at him instead of the blade part. He dodges it and you kick him into a wall.
You snicker.
"I'm awesome." You mumble to yourself. 8 more people to go. Well You bet Kitty isn't here because she's always going out on the town and so is Dinger. Ok so maybe 6. You head towards the lobby. What you see shocks you. Swift, Ghost, Rebel, and Mc are all tied up in chairs. They look pretty cut up and beat. Your anger grows. You back up into the shadows to watch what's going on. Then you see Bullseye, your leader, standing in front of Swift.
"We want the money!" He gets close to Swift. You see a smile on cross Swift'a face as he spits on Bullseye's face.
"Ew dude you might want to wipe that off." Mc said with a nod. Slit comes forward and sends a right hook to Mc which causes his lip to bleed. Ghost growls and struggles in his chair which also gets him a punch but from Spider. Ghost begins to bleed from what you believe is his nose. Swift starts to swear at Bullseye.
"Ok that's it!" Bullseye begins to untie Swift.
'That can't be good' You thought. You watched as they brought Swift to look at the others. Bullseye puts a knife to his throat.
"Where's the money? And maybe you could also tell us where Y/N is." He glared at your friends. They just looked at each other.
"We don't know what you're talking about." Rebel snapped. Bullseye put he knife closer to Swifts neck. Swift closes his eyes. You can't watch this anymore. You reveal yourself.
"Hey guys. How's it goin'?" You ask while spinning your sword.
"I've been better." Mc responds. Bullseye looks at you and releases Swift. Slit and Spider tie him back up. You growl at Bullseye.
"Let them go man." You say with a straight face. He looks at you and chuckles.
"It's been a while Y/N. Sorry but they owe me." He looks the guys. You growl and quickly ran up to Bullseye and sweep kick him. He falls but jumps back up. Slider and Glassy come out from a room to help but Bullseye tells them he doesn't need it. Just you and him. You swing your sword at him a few times but only one swing actually hits him. He's gotten better. You run behind the guys chairs as Bullseye is in pain. You slash the rope to all their chairs which sets them free. Rebel and Mc help Ghost and Swift get up.
"Go guys. I'll be home in a few. Here." You hand them their weapons. You made sure you got all of Ghost's guns so he doesn't punch you. As they leave through the front door you go back after Bullseye. By now he got his daggers.
"Let's do this you stupid twerp." He growls.
"Actually that is Miss Stupid Twerp too you." You sass while going at him with another attack. He swings at you and gets the tip of your shoulder. It's just a scratch. You growl at him and fake high but hit low. So low the sun does not shine down there. He drops in pain. You chuckle.
"You pussy. Have fun." You run towards the front door but before you leave you flip off everyone left in there.
"Fuck you bitches!" You shout while slamming the door shut. You head back home. You take out the earbuds and play another Eminem song. You rapped and danced down the middle of the street. After about three blocks you come to the old warehouse and go in through the broken window. You let out a deep sigh of relief when you sigh everyone wrapping each other up. Rebel looks at you as you enter.
"Thank you Y/N." He says with a smile. You give him a nod and take out the hair tie (or headband) so your h/c can flow freely.
"...I could have handled that..." Ghost mumbled to himself. You smirk.
"Sure you did Ghostie, sure you did."
"We appreciate it." Mc added. Swift was the only one who wasn't the happiest.
"You broke a rule! You could have been hurt." He growled. You glared at him.
"I saved you. Bite me!" You snap and storm off to your room. When you get there you grabbed a bandaid from your desk drawer and put it on your shoulder.
"Damn Bullseye." You snarl under your breath. You lay in your bed and finally fall asleep in your bed. This wasn't the greatest of days but it felt good to beat Bullseye.

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