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It took a long time for the dust to settle over the destruction of Riviera. No one actually knew for certain that it was me who blasted the city to smithereens. No videos had been captured, oddly. Everyone was too afraid for their lives to film something so chaotic. A few, however, had made many an assumption that pointed to me being the one who caused the wreckage.

They called me Genesis, The Viridian Knight.

For two and a half years, I have successfully done all I felt I was needed to help the world. For the most part, I refused to partake in wars. Every now and again I would play a role, but only to remove gravely wounded from battle. I would do so for either side.

Sarah forced me to tell my parents. It was an awkward affair. I had asked them to sit down and talk, and, my mother at least, thought I was sitting them down to tell them something entirely different, which was very off base. My father, Darius, had his eyes locked on me the entire time. It was hard to tell them that I had super powers when he was so intense.

My mother was in disbelief. She had heard that someone with power had appeared, but she didn't believe it was me. My father, though, did nothing to react to my claim. He just sat there as if he had already known. My mother didn't fully believe me until I hovered in the middle of our living room.

My family has gotten much closer since then. My mother had always felt as if I was hiding something, and, as close as we had been, it apparently put a small wall between us. I was now comfortable talking to them about anything at all.

The whole city was overwhelmed with joy at the return of Sarah and I. We had both vanished out of the blue, one after the other. Months had been spent investigating the disappearance. Sarah's was easy to trace. The vehicle was found at the marina near Jules' family's boathouse, with the boat gone from inside. I had left no trace.

They were all still sad at hearing of Jules' death.

Sarah had told her family personally. She brought her body back from the Island and returned it to Jules' parents, explaining everything. That was when she told me I had to tell my parents. Her argument: if she was capable of telling the family of her best friend that she had power, then I needed to be ok with telling my own family.

She was obviously right.

Sarah, who was named Siren, an apt name in my book, had found a secluded piece of land and, with her own hands and power, built a massive mansion in the midst of it, then erased the location from the maps. Anyone who drew near would be turned around. It would be a safe haven for those with power. One was already housed there; a boy by the name of Nathaniel. He was foolhardy and reckless, but he showed promise. Sarah had me retrieve him personally. I found him at the docks in a city in Louisiana being attacked by a trio of gangsters in the middle of the night.

Vaidukli is what she named the mansion. It means Ghost in some language, a perfect fit.

Erik and I had grown exponentially closer. When I came back to Eastwood, the first thing he did when he saw me was hug me, in front of a lot of people. It was moderately awkward, but I let him have it. We had begun to become close beforehand. I could only imagine what my disappearance, and then Sarah's immediately after had done to him.

He had been to Vaidukli once or twice; but, for the most part, he tried to keep himself out of our affairs. He was always willing to listen, which was helpful. I needed someone who was capable of listening to what I had to do, but stood on the outside, and was still willing to listen. Sarah was great and all, fantastic really, but sometimes time with someone without power was the best therapy I could ask for.

GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now