Chapter 53: Born to be Mighty II

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The ground trembled as my knees slammed against it. The Igna and D'karians continued to war around me, trying their best to hold off the onslaught of fire. Flashes of red, blue, white and green flew out in shockwaves; red whips arcing through the air; white bolts rocketing forward; blue blades flashing viciously; green knives swiping rapidly. All I could do was kneel, crushed by a pain I could not control.

Cyren, in a manner of seconds, was wiped from existence by a power he knew he could not fight. Why?

The massive dragon, Re'van, continued to gaze in the direction Cyren and his men had been, clearly satisfied with what he had done. The earth shook as my anger boiled. I couldn't just sit and do nothing while the armies swelled around me.

I looked off to Re'van, glaring in anger at the beast that murdered my friend. The ground cracked, sending a quake through it, as I shot into the air with all of my strength. Those in close proximity to the wave were caught off balance, Igna and D'karian alike.

"NADARI!" I bellowed across the skies. The Audra was at my side in an instant, bursts of air following her closely. "Now we avenge," I said coldly.

She placed her forehead on mine, eyes locked with my own. Her light breathing wafted over the skin of my face. She could see the rage in my eyes. She could feel my pain.

As one, we shot towards Re'van like bullets. As we drew near I curled into a ball, somersaulting towards Re'van as I continued to build up my forward momentum. Nadari grabbed ahold of me within a current of air as I straightened myself out, propelling me downward onto the top of Re'vans head even more powerfully. Together we brought him crashing to the ground, where I stood on top of his head while it rested in the hole it had made, facing out towards the ashy field that Cyren and his men had stood in not moments before. I turned around to see both of Re'van's burning eyes boring into me.

Re'van released a cackle and rose up from the ground. I flipped backwards off of him and propelled myself away, whipping around and slamming into the left side of his face while Nadari slammed him with an equally powerful blast of wind in the opposite direction. Nadari focused all of her power on Re'van, creating not just the twisting of a hurricane, but the storm that accompanied one. The storm swirled around him. Nadari caused lightning to strike at his exposed body with such force that it actually caused him flinch and recoil. I smiled in appreciation of her growing power, but I was quickly re-overcome by my relentless rage.

Re'van began to spout fire from his body without warning. I rushed to Nadari and gripped her so that she wouldn't be engulfed and burned by it. The fire ceased and I released her. I flew to Re'van's massive tail and gripped it in both my hands. I dropped to the ground and planted my feet and, with all the strength I could muster, wrenched him off of the ground and slammed his back onto the ground on the other side of me. Wasting no time, I raced up onto the peak of his underside and began to pummel it ceaselessly. His body was nearly impenetrable; but, as I relentlessly beat at his underbelly, it began to crack. He could feel it too. He shifted, throwing me off of him and rolling back onto his feet, almost crushing me beneath him as he did so.

"Do you think this is a challenge," he bellowed.

"It seems to be for you," I retorted, "you've yet to touch me."

"Then allow me educate you on the might of my power, fiend."

Re'van bolted at me much faster than I expected. I shot up into the air, narrowly avoiding his razor teeth, which clattered shut as I passed through his mighty jaws. Nadari pulled back a little, leaving the battle between Re'van and I. Re'van unfurled his great wings, which spanned over a hundred feet, filling the area with an even brighter orange glow as the blazing trails of magma spread outwards, filling the emptiness of his wings like blood.

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