Chapter 23: Range

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Nadari put on a burst of speed as she dexterously wove between the tree branches. She had entered into a heavy clustered part of the canopy, but refused to slow down. I watched as she flung herself up, pulled her wings in close and dove down, spiraled continuously, until she made her way free of the mass of branches. I was almost tempted to call her a better flier than myself.

I flew above the branches and broke through the canopy, hovering a few feet above the bright orange leaves. Before me stood the massive mountain range that Aura had named the Arba. It swept across the horizon and reached towards the skies. I had never seen mountains so tall. The summit of almost every single one broke through the clouds above.

Despite their height, none of them had any visible snow. It was peculiar. Wouldn't it be freezing at that height? There should be some sort of crystal formation.

With a quick, theatrical flip, I dove back down into the trees and took a beeline for the branch Aura and Cyren had chosen to rest in the night before. Over the past few days I had been getting used to the fact that I would be followed by a small bird everywhere I went from now on. It had been fun. Because of her Cyren told me it would be ok if I went for a flight every now and again, which he had banned me from previously.

Today had been the first day back in the air for a long period of time. Every night and every morning I flew supplied up and down from the heights of the trees, but it wasn't the same. It wasn't as thrilling. Now I was in the air, moving fast, doing what I wanted to do, and it was amazing.

Nadari was quickly adapting to my flight patterns. She had even begun to mimic some of them herself. She had also made a bad habit of spiraling around me while we were flying. I thought for a while today that she would end up hurting herself, but she always pulled away right before I redirected. I was pretty certain she could actually read my mind.

During the nights I had seen pieces of her dreams while I slept. I had seen the great tree called Elir that shot into the sky. Its wide branches housing thousands upon thousands of different creatures, not just the Audra.

I blasted through a tight web of leaves, slowed down and landed lightly on the branch Aura crouched on. Nadari shot by me and used a tight curve around the tree to slow herself down, coming to a near halt behind Aura before landing on the branch herself. I looked around for Cyren, finding him already making his way down the tree.

"We'll reach the mountains today," I commented.

Aura nodded, a grave look on her face.

"Is that not a good thing?" I asked.

"If there was another way to cross over to the east, I would take it without another thought."

"I don't understand."

Aura looked me in the eye, "The Arba has always been a perilous place, but the threat within has never been greater than it is now. A great fire lies hidden in its heights. I do not wish to test it."

"Then why are we," I asked, still not understanding.

"Because we must. It is our best choice. But, even the best choices often give way to the greatest perils. It is unavoidable. I only hope we do not wake them."


"A trio of Igna has made their home on the three great mesa's of the Arba. Their flame ignites the skies. None tread the paths of the mountains, but we should be on our way."

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