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We all have it. Some more than others, definitely. I will not say that I have it bad, but I'm pretty sure, I do.

It's completely dark. I'm trying to sleep, but the twist in my stomach is to much. Nothing helped. Except a bracelet.

Imagine yourself in a dark room, with a your bed, and all your furniture. Something sparks in you, and your stomach starts to twist, and your heart beat picks up. Than you start to breath heavily. It keeps you up, while you lie awake, just trying to sleep. Nothing helps, not even hugging a stuffed animal, that you love so dearly.

This is what I experienced on the night before the first day of school. I couldn't sleep, and I went to my mom eventually. She gave me a rice sock. I had that up against me, but it still doesn't help. Than I went to her again. She said maybe tea. We were out. Than she gave me her bracelet. It keeps a smell, when you put scented oils on it. My mom put the one that says it helps with anxiety, and nerves. I laid with it right next to me, and I finally went to sleep.

Some people don't get that. Some people have it worse, and can't just use a bracelet. I wanted everyone to know that you are not alone. A lot of people know KoalaSparkles29 and she goes through it to. This chapter was inspired by on of hers. But if you haven't, go read her book that was inspired by me.

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