How can....

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people hurt others?

kill others?

Bully others?

People never help each other?

Or at least try?

We humans hate each other?

hurting help people?

You leave them behind?

You take that away from them?

You hate people?

Love hurt people?

people not keep each other alive?

Eating nothing help you?

We, as humans, keep every single person alive?

because humans are evil, and all we want is to live ourselves. people hurt, and beat each other. I just want to live in a word that can love each other, but that's a fools dream. Not everyone can be happy all the time. Everyday there is at least over 1,000 people who is unhappy. everyday someone dies, and not just from old age. There is the factor of murder, and suicide. these things can't just stop, but it is possible to slow them down, by not bulling, or killing each other. everyone has emotion. we are all human, and that will never change. I believe in that we all, together can make a difference. I believe that, even though people will still die from unnatural causes, we can help it not happen. Be nicer, Help others more, and show your appropriation for one another. Please, no more.

People don't hear enough, that they are beautiful.

Everyone of you are beautiful, and is loved.

I am here, and I'm still standing, and I hope everyone will be able too.

inspirational WordsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz