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I've been the mom of my group for awhile. It's a really stressful job sometimes. But... I honestly to enjoy it. Being able to help is one of the things that come with this, and that fills me with joy.

I help my friends when they have trouble. Knowing I'm useful, knowing I'm helping someone, even if just a little, is a really amazing feeling.

When my friends hurt, or anyone, I don't help them because it makes me feel good. I help because I can, and I want to. I hate seeing people in pain, especially my loves ones.

I constantly have this need to help everyone around me, and I am happy I am able to make someone feel better. I want to make more people feel better.

I can't help all the time. I know I should choice my battles. But I still try. I try my hardest. I try till I can't breath, so they can breath. I try to pull them out of deep waters, and pull myself to help. But in the end we both come out alive. We both come out feeling better.

For my friends, I'd do anything (almost). I'd metaphorically jump into a pit of fire if it meant they don't have to get burnt. I'd do anything for them.

I love all my friends, and I hope they know that. I hope they feel it, to. ❤️

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