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Why did they leave me? When can I get a true friend? If I get one, will they stay?

I have lost about 30 people in my life, and I'm only a teen. They didn't die, they just abandoned me. About 17 of that 30 were the closer ones who left me.

They all left me for different reasons. I did many things, I regret, but can never be redone. So I accept them.

But what about when it haunts you?

It always does. I was a jerk to one friend, beat my sister meany times, a spoiled brat, horrible to my step mom, Some other 'friends' abandoned me when I had lice, just because they were to scared of it. Than there was this one girl who showed me true friendship I loved her, and she also gave me the love of trampolines.

Her mom hated me and my sister.

When I moved to where I am now, I left her. But we had no means of communications, we didn't have phones. Her mom kept her away from us, and I haven't herd from her in maybe 4 years now. I have no idea how she is doing.

Don't forget the traitor.

She isn't a traitor, but she did break her promise. She was the first person I had a sleepover at someone else s house, but that was before she had moved. We stayed in contacted, even after I moved. We just gradually stopped talking, and haven't herd from in maybe 2 years.

The 'trick' is a good one.

Stops, than starts, stops, starts. Over, and over again, with being friends. He was a brat, and I followed him, like some he the most intelligent person in the world. and when I just started to break away from him and his friends, and being more of an individual, they all scolded me, even my sister. I ran home crying. But before we moved, he apologized about not being able to hang, cause of the lice, and I wen right back to being behind him. But his father died, and moved to somewhere I don't know.

The triplets were never our friend.

I would call them the triplets, cause hats what they are. I think they were only friends with me, cause I was friends with their friend. I never saw them again, and I haven't been in contacted at all.

The twins?

They were most likely friends. Or at least one of them. But the other just left as soon as they could.

The rest of them.

There were lots of people who were my friend. But I had to leave, and we never talked again. I honestly still remember the smell of someone's house. That may sound weird, but they were the second closest friend there.

What about our mom? She left at one time.

This is something I wish never happened. My mom literally left me, when I was begging her not to. She is still with me, but it was for something, you guys don't need to know. But this happened only two years ago. Anytime, almost, I think about school, it comes back. It was school related. She felt so bad, but it still hurts.

Our dad and stepmom.

My dad made the worst mistake of his life. Or that's why I think. He chose something so stupid, and lost trust in three out of four of his children. And my step mom technically bullied me. It was super to be a joke, but she yelled at me. I spilled soda between my legs, so it looked like I peed myself. My stepmom "pretended" to take a picture. I got so upset. Jokingly, after, I said I was mad. But she ended up blaming me for the reason why she and my dad had a fight. So I cried in the bathroom. My dad found out I was crying,  it not why. But more recently, my dad chose the wrong decision, and betrayed one of my sisters, who told my brother. I didn't know any of this until after, and we were home. That's how my counseling started, really.

A/N so, this is being posted after days ago, when I started. I just stopped, because it made me sad. But I thought, you guys need to hear this. So here you go. My life problems.

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