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I love music, as do many others. Music is more then what people think it is. 

Music can show so much emotion in 3-4 minutes. It can tell a story, especially when you don't want to flat out say something.

Music is another language. Many people don't see it as this, but it truly is. Some people can listen to the song and just hear the emotion, and understand the message. Sometimes it takes a while, and sometimes you can't. It just takes the right person and right mind.

I can't necessarily talk about music, because it affects everyone in different ways, they use it in different ways. Background, comfort, enjoyment, the latter. Some use it as a release. But it is hard to talk about music. It's such an amazing concept, and you can't put your thumb down on just one thing.

Everyone pick a song. One song you love. Write the song, and who it's by. And also write how the song affects you, how you use the song. anything you'd like to say about the song, write it. Tell me how it affects you. I also would like you to put the genre of music you usually listen to or multiple that you like if you can't pick one

My Answer: Paralyzed by NF

I like sad songs maybe because I don't express that emotion as often in front of the people I want to protect, or in front of close friends. I am the strong one in our group, and I hold us together. Sad music shows this side of me (?).

The song Paralyzed matched one of my characters, and I do listen to songs that do. I love this song, not because I relate. I don't necessarily know, and that's why I said maybe it's because I don't express that emotion as often.

I like most genres. Certain kinds of rap songs, pop, rock, hip-hop, kpop, and many more, including sub-genres.

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