| Million Dollar Baby |

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"I'm well aware that you have a father that owns half of Gotham but that doesn't mean you have to buy your GPA and recommendations. People like me actually have to work, Veronica Wayne. It isn't fair to anyone else!" Jenny shouts at me as I am walking out of the lecture hall.

She repeats this same spiel to me each time she sees me, which is every other Tuesday.

"Hey Jenny. See, I'm well aware of my situation. You don't need to always map it out for me." I stifle a laugh and she grows red with anger.

"Is this a joke to you?" She seethes and stops walking, crossing her arms.

I take a deep breath and exhale, turning around and giving her an award winning smile.

"Not at all. It's interesting that you believe I pay my way through life. It's not the case, being I was chosen by unanimous decision for my internship. I know what hard work is. My father has nothing to do with my success." I say as she seems surprised at my comeback, as she straightened her posture and relaxed her arms.

I never encourage her, though today it seems that I've had enough of her ranting and raving.

"Look, Jenny. I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you. I would appreciate it though, if you'd stop spreading rumors about me. Also, if you'd especially stop following me every time we have class together. I'll see you around." I say and turn away from her, walking out of the building and into the gritty Gotham air.

I spot Alfred by the corner of the street and make my way towards him and the car with a smile.

"Hey Alfred, how's it shaking?" I ask comically and he chuckles.

"It seems as though you're in a good mood this afternoon, Miss.Veronica." He smiles as he opens the door for me.

"Always in a good mood, Alfred. Always."


"I appreciate you coming out and speaking of this opportunity in front of our board, Mr.Lau. I know Mr.Wayne seems plenty interested and was happy to see you come such a long distance." Mr.Fox says pointedly towards my father, who is catching up on some hard earned sleep at the moment.

Everyone turns to look in our direction, so I kick his leg—jolting him up from his sleeping state.

"Yes of course, we'll call you as soon as possible with our decision." He drawls and clears his throat, sitting up and rubbing his face.

I suppress a laugh and go back to focusing on my notes. I've been studying non-stop for my presentation on the criminal mind and it's been giving me a headache.

I'm going out with dad for dinner after this meeting so, I figured I'd come early and get some work done in the process. I've never been interested in any of his business details but always knew the jist of what was occurring. After all, I am Bruce Wayne's daughter and the heir of his almighty kingdom; as the Gotham Times once put it.

I am scribbling away and am so focused on reading that I didn't realize the meeting was adjourned and everyone had left except for Mr. Fox and Dad. They were talking in a low tone as I sat almost on the other side of the room. These tables were huge and made for serious and lengthy meetings.

"Veronica—Miss.Wayne?" A deep voice calls and I drop my pen down onto my book, looking up in a daze.

"I believe it's time for you to get to dinner." Mr. Fox says and smiles as I stand, walking over to him and my father.

"Thanks again, Lucius. Not sure what my dad would do without you in the room." I joke and they chuckle.

"I can say the same of you, Miss.Wayne."

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