A demonic scream pierced the silent street as demons and spirits drifted down the street. I started sprinting towards the group in an attempt to show them that I wasn't backing off or going down without a fight. A demon lunged itself towards me, I wasn't sure how to handle it but my body reacted to the fight. A bright light illuminated from my hands and the demon burst into flames. Its brethren were coming towards me but they stopped when they saw what I did to their comrade.

I heard a gunshot behind me and I spun around to see that Ella had her gun pointed in the direction of a group of spirits that were coming for her. I took to the sky and dove for the ghosts that were advancing towards Ella. I could see no fear in the girl's eyes as she repelled the spirits. I helped her by finishing them off the same way I killed the demon. Ella shot me a grateful smile and I managed to return it as I killed another spirit.

The fight was getting heated as everyone played their parts. Daniel, Ally and myself killed the creatures that attacked us the same way but Rachel had her own technique. She would tease the demons that came for her, making herself appear weak but she would kill them when she got the chance. Liam, Joey, Ella and Chris fought the creatures that came at them with their crude weapons but they couldn't kill them, this gave us extra work but I didn't mind. I was getting the chance to seriously destroy Lucifer's minions. The twins used their torture techniques on the demons and spirits that came their way. The twins worked in unity and I couldn't help but feel awe as I watched them fight for us.

Slowly the demons and spirits numbers began to drop but so was our strength. Ella looked so exhausted as she tried to take a break. I was about to go over to her and help but Daniel swooped in and killed the whole group of ghosts that tried to harm her. Liam and Chris looked as if they hadn't fought this hard in the whole life, which may be true since they've never faced demons before. Joey, on the other hand, kept on fighting as if he had supernatural properties as well. I knew he fought this way because of both Zane and his sister, he knew the more he took out the less that Ella would have to face. The twins seemed at ease in combat. They focused on one creature at a time and they managed to kill each one before it could slip away.

Since the others were working fine by themselves I turned my attention to a group of demons heading my way. I flung myself into the middle of the group and used all of my strength to send them flying into nearby cars and the walls of the skyscrapers beside us. My wings were perfect for hitting the demons that crept up behind them; I knew when I hit one because I would feel my feathers move. As I continued to fight I thought that I was doing fine by myself until I felt the claws of a demon dig into my shoulder.

A scream tore its way out of my throat as I tried to pluck the demon off of my back but I couldn't. A demon in front of me lunged for my throat but a knife went through its neck before it could even get to me. I took the little reprieve to peel the demon from my back. I used the bright light from before to make the demon burst into flames before me.

After the demon was gone I turned to see who my saviour was. My eyes widened when I saw the boy with caramel hair and bright blue eyes standing beside me. Sam had come to help us and I automatically felt guilty for the way I had treated him, after all he has saved my life more than once.

"Thank you Sam," I said.

"You're welcome," Sam replied. "Just, don't be a bitch to me after this because it's something you do after I help you."

I blushed. "Yeah I know, sorry about that."

Sam smiled slightly at me just as the sound of Lucifer's voice filled the air.

Eternities RevengeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon