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the moon caressed us as we danced underneath dim lit street lights. our laughter echoed into the midnight air, only a few cars passing within time. he grabbed my hands into his, kissed my cheek before whispering, "dance with me."

i stitched my eyebrows together, keeping my chest pressed to his as i muttered back, "but there's no music."

"what a poor soul you have," he backed away, letting go of the palm that laid on my hip before spinning me unexpectedly, "to think," he continued, tucking my body like a missing puzzle piece into his, "you need music to be able to dance."

the stars danced with us within our eyes, thunder clapped in between soft kisses. a sunrise greeted a couple who found themselves feeling beautiful with the reflection of each other in the stain glass that held a soul they had fallen for.

oh, how foolish i was to think a heart like yours was capable of so much wonder.

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