on this day.

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these words were more than a way to help me get out every buried emotion in the depth of my chest, they were a connection, a way for me to find new faces with the same meaning at their fingertips.

i did not want this world to crash and be left in ashes. i did not want these memories to fade into nothing more than the burial ground of everything forgotten.

i did not want you to be left to the mess you consider yourself.

on this day is part two to this story of mine, composed into words i hope you can endure.

this is to a new beginning, hopefully more happier than young april ever was. this is to us, you; someone who deserves to hear these words and connect more than the lyrics of your favorite song ever did.

on this day, we will finally move these mountains from our path and prosper into who we are meant to be.

[ click the external link to be redirected
or find the new beginning on my page. ]

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