The fleshcurtains

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Firstly, thankyou @Alosedia for commenting this idea for me to do!
Now let's get started ;))


You and your friend Kelly sat infront of the mirror, Kelly applying makeup onto your face smiling as she did so.
"Ooh (Y.N) your gonna look great when this is finished"

You raised an eyebrow.
You trying to say I don't look good already?

You let out a laugh obviously joking around with her.
A few minutes passed, you both were now dressed, Kelly just fixing her hair before you both left.
Hey, kells what's this band called again? The flesh wounds or something?

Kelly rolled her eyes, slightly laughing as she responded to your question
"They're the flesh curtains, they're not that big but I heard they play alright sooo... I got us these tickets."

The two of you left shortly, walking down the road as a harsh breeze hit you both.
I wonder what they look like...

You spoke, nudging Kelly as you raised your eyebrows
"Hot I suppose"

Kelly replied, which made you laugh.
You both made it to the location, lining up outside in the cold, shivering.
You got to the front of the line, the bouncers looking you and Kelly up and down, smiling, then allowing you inside.
You and Kelly mainly spent time by the bar, drinking a couple of drinks, you wanting to be sober-ish as you actually wanted to be able to hear the music that the band were playing.
"Now showing the all new band 'The Flesh Curtains'"

An announcement was made, you and Kelly taking your drinks as you made your way into the crowd to see the band walk onto the stage.
The first to walk on was a cat-like creature, he was very short, he made his way up to the drums, sitting down as he grabbed his drumsticks.
Next was a man... But a bird? You thought it was a bird anyway he had feathers and he most definitely had wings, you supposed he was the lead singer as he made his way to the microphone.
Kelly nudged you, winking at you
"I think the bird guys my favourite already"

You looked at Kelly, chuckling a little, turning your focus back to the stage to see a (SEXY) blue haired man, he had little stubble on his chin and he wore a blue vest that hung down low, along with a skeleton belt and a pair of black jeans.
He had a bass guitar held in his hand, as he looked at the crowd, adjusting his hand positioning on the guitar as he made eye contact with you, grinning slowly as he winked.
Your cheeks instantly heated up, soon you and Kelly began moving your bodies like idiots with the crowd to the song.
You weren't gonna lie, they played really good especially the bass player who kept glancing at you every now and then (wink wonk;))

The band played another 2 songs, soon finishing so they could get a drink themselves.
You now sat at the bar alone, Kelly had ran off with some guy, you obviously made sure she was okay as you didn't want the guy to be some creep.
You drank from your drink, soon feeling somebody sit down next to you, placing down their own drink
So what's a pretty girl like you drinking here alone all by herself.

You turned to see the same man with the blue hair from the stage, he grinned at you while resting his arm on the bar.
Well my friend found some guy.. So I guess I'm just here drinking alone now.

You let out a slight laugh.
Anyway what brings you here?

You took a sip from your drink, placing the glass back down after.
Well, I couldn't help but notice your eyes looking at me throughout the time we were playing, saw you here alone and thought maybe you wouldn't have to drink alone anymore.

The man ran a hand through his hair, drinking his whole glass.
That's kind of you... Um..

The names Rick

Yeah Rick, that's kinda nice I guess.

Rick raised his unibrow at you
So aren't you going to tell me your name pretty lady?

You stuttered, gaining what you wanted to say.
Oh yeah, I'm (Y.N)

You bit your lip, watching Rick have another full glass infront of him which he drank again.
(Y.N) huh? What a pretty name for a doll like you

Your cheeks heated up, why was he taking an interest in you?
You took another sip from your drink, Rick noticing you were blushing.
Aw the pretty girls blushing, I know what that means

Rick bit his lip, looking at you
What does it mean then?

You let out a slight laugh, looking at him
It means you should give me your number, because obviously I have some attractiveness going on that you like

You rolled your eyes, smirking as you wrote down your number with a pen that miraculously appeared from no where (Gj)
Around an hour went by, Kelly ran back up to you, telling you everything that her and this guy had been talking about, she then noticed you and Rick in conversation so she patted your shoulder and whispered in your ear
"Make sure you tell me what happens in the bedroom."

She chuckled running off, she had obviously had too much to drink.
What was that about?

Rick slightly laughed
Oh.. You know, she wants me to get a realllll good pickle

Rick chuckled at your comment, the two of you spoke for another hour or so talking and drinking, you beginning to feel tired and worn out by the night.
Kelly had already spoken to you not so long ago saying that she was leaving cause she had things to do, pshhh yeah right...
You let out a yawn, Rick smiling at you as you continued to talk to him.
Looking down at your watch, you realised it was nearly three in the morning.
Your gonna tell me you have to go now.. Aren't you?

Rick chuckled, looking into your eyes.
Yeah I am.

You lightly frowned, standing up from your chair feeling gravity wanting to drag your body down into the ground.
Y 'know (Y.N) you don't look very well to be walking around in the streets at night and I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

A smile crept onto your face, looking at Rick as he continued to speak
What I'm trying to say is.. Maybe I could take you back to my place...
D-don't worry no funny business will happen I just wanna make sure your safe is all.

Rick rubbed behind his neck awkwardly as he let out a quiet chuckle.
You kissed Ricks cheek gently, gladly accepting his offer to stay at his place, thanking him of course.
When the two of you arrived at his place Rick gave you a Flesh Curtains shirt to sleep in which was large and hung above your knees.
He gave you your own privacy and space to change, making sure he didn't creep you out or go over the line.
Hey Rick...?

You spoke as you laid in his bed, Rick on the floor with his own pillow and cover.
Yeah.. What is it?

You looked around the room which was only lit up by a lamp on the desk.
I feel rude so... Come up here and sleep in the bed with me

Rick smiled, automatically moving from the floor and climbing under the covers with you, looking up at the ceiling.
Thankyou Rick.

You leant over, kissing the edge of his lip as you rested against him.
Don't worry (Y.N), I'll always be here for you in times that you need me the most..


Heyo, thankyou guys for reading but I'd love to thank @Alosedia for the idea of this chapter!!

Also I'd like to thank you all for getting this story to over 100K!
I'm... I'm... ConFuSed but happy and aH thank you so so so much!
Very cringy but: I love you all dearly and thank you so much for making this happen!

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