Oh damn, time for something

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You spoke out, waiting for a reply as you sat on the couch.
You saw some blue hair then a face pop around from the wall raising a unibrow at you.
Yeah? What is it (Y/N)

You sighed, turning off the TV and turning towards him.
Can we do something tonight?

Rick entered the room fully, raising his eyebrows with a grin plastered onto his face
No not that kind of stuff Rick... Jeez.

You let out a small laugh smiling as you continued to speak.
I was wondering... Maybe you wanted to go out somewhere like see a movie or get something to eat?

Rick pinched the top of his nose as he sighed.
Why go out to eat when we have food here and our own movies.. I mean we could always watch some how do they do it on the interdimensional cable... I know you love the plumbus episode

Rick smiled, sitting on the couch besides you, wrapping his arm around you as you cuddled up on him.
Yeah I know Rick but.. It is good to get out once and a while you know..

I do go out.. I visit different planets and shit

You seemed as if you would never win this conversation, frowning and going silent after he spoke.
Rick looked down at you, raising his unibrow again.
Why.. What do you want to do tonight?

Your frown turned to a smile as you looked up at him.
Well I was thinking... Maybe we could see a movie... There's (Y/F/M) playing and I just thought that maybe we could... Go?

Rick kissed your forehead as he went to stand up.
Alright alright, give me five minutes.

You smiled, grabbing Rick before he left the room to plant a kiss on his lips, you then making your way upstairs to grab a jacket.
Rick waited by the door for you, you soon coming down the stairs shortly, walking over to him as you held his hand.

~Time skip: middle of film~

You and Rick were sat somewhere around the middle of the cinema room, there was only a few people but they were all scattered around the room.
Your eyes were fixated on the screen, every now and again sipping on the drink that was in the cup holder next to you.
You felt a warm touch on your thigh, jumping a little as you weren't paying attention to those around you, looking down now to see that the hand was Ricks
You looked at Rick, he looked so casual about it.. As if he wasn't doing anything but just watching the film.
He began to move his hand upwards, making you shiver as you placed your hand on his telling him to stop.
You turned to him.
Don't you like the film Rick?

You quietly whispered
Rick looked at you, grinning
Yeah I do but, I just want you...

You took his hand off you, looking back at the large screen
Well maybe if you be quiet for the next hour or so you'll get a reward.

You whispered, giving a slight chuckle
Yeah, yeah okay (Y/N)

He slightly smiled grabbing your hand to hold it.

~time skip: end of film~

You and Rick walked out of the cinema, entering his spaceship as he drove home.
You conversed with him about the film and what you thought about it, turns out Rick thought it was really good too.
the conversation ended as you arrived home, him opening the door for you which you thanked him for, entering inside as Morty ran over to you both.
"Hey (Y/N), Rick, where have you guys been?"

Oh we just went to see a movie is all.

You smiled down at Morty, walking past him to get a drink from the fridge in the kitchen.
Yeah Morty (Y/N) says she has a reward for me for not disturbing the movie

"Oh wow, jeez Rick, what's the reward?"

You walked back inside the room with your drink in a glass, sipping it as you wondered what Ricks response would be.
Oh you know, the usual exercise reward

Morty looked confused as he raised his eyebrow.
"Exercise? W-well what type?"

Rick moved his unibrow up and down three times
You know... The good ol' squats and tongue exercise, they're realllllyy good Morty, you should try it yourself.

"Ooh jeez Rick, do you think (Y/N) will teach me?"

You snorted into the drink you were drinking making it fly onto your face and go everywhere.

(Me everyday)

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(Me everyday)

"What? What's so funny?"

Morty spoke, looking around for an answer
We're talking about sex Morty..

Morty turned red

Morty walked away, waving his arms everywhere
Rick you just totally crushed his innocence...

Pfff hah, what innocence, at least I didn't explode my load into a sex robot

You widened your eyes.
Tell. Me. Everything!


This was crap, I'm sorry.. I've been off schedule real bad I know.
Also though, how are you all liking the new episodes?
Anyway my dudes hope your all having a great week and I should be writing some of the recommendations you guys have told me soon, anyway byeee <3


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