Your dream...

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Rick and you were in his bedroom, no you weren't doing anything you were both fully dressed.
Rick was humming to himself as he looked at the notes and blueprints on his wall.
So Rick, what ya gonna do today?
Rick looked at you as he smiled.
Well to be honest I was thinking you could sleep... Eugghrp And I incept your dream...
Incept my dream? Isn't that just like that film Morty likes.. Inception..?
Rick nodded as he sat down next to you.
Well I-I was Eugghrp thinking that if I did s-so I could know more stuff...
I-I dunno Rick.. I mean I dream of weird things..
You rested your head on your hand as you looked up at him, his unibrow was lifted at you.
C'mon (Y.N) I see weird things everyday... I'm sure your dreams obviously b-being filled with me isn't gonna to be that Eugghrp w-weird.
Rick spoke as he placed his hands onto your cheeks as he kissed your lips.
How did he know... Maybe he had incepted you already? What if this wasn't real? Woah, too deep...
F-fine Rick... Just do it then
Rick let out a grin as he took your hand, leading you to the garage.
N-Now you just need to fall asleep and then all I have to do is plug this euhhhrp e-earpiece in your ear.. And I'll enter your d-dream.
You didn't really like this idea, what if Rick would judge you for what you thought about?
H-Hey and (Y.N)... Don't worry I-It'l be quick I just eghhrup need some
You sat on the chair, it was unusually comfy as Rick began to speak to you.
So (Y.N), j-just sleep and I'll see you in a f-few eghhrup.
You sighed, closing your eyes as you rested your head on the desk as Rick walked around, gathering a few things.
You silently fell asleep as Rick made a few more improvements to the earpiece.
Rick pulled a chair next to you as he looked at you, gently letting out a hiccup.
An earpiece was soon put inside your ear as you were asleep.
~The Dream~
You were in a bright colourful planet, the sky was red, grass was purple and aliens were multiple colours.
Though you looked.. Different.
You were wearing a black hooded trench coat which covered most of your face.
Rick watched you from afar as you walked around, staring down at the ground.
He followed you, you were going to what seemed like a dark alley.
I-I wonder what Eugghrp (Y.N) is doing..
You stopped, soon a man followed after as he spoke.
"So your the person who wanted the information..?"
A four armed alien spoke, soon pulling out an envelope.
He handed you the envelope asking what you wanted it for.
You quietly spoke opening it up.
Rick watched soon raising his unibrow
What the fuck is this?
He watched as you opened the envelope only to reveal the information about him.
'Name: Rick Sanchez, C-137
Age: 60
Relationship: Single
Personality: A drunken character, smarter than most humans, always breaking the rules.'
You sighed as you looked down, exchanging money with the alien as you walked out of the alley.
Rick watched you exit as he ran his long, skinny fingers through his blue, messy hair.
You shot a portal through the wall you walked through it as Rick hurried in after, trying not to get caught.
You both arrived inside your house, you walked to the kitchen, Rick just hid away from you.
You held the information of Rick, a photograph of him slipped out which made a year fall from your eye.
You picked up the photo, gripping it tightly.
God I miss Rick so much..
You spoke trying to hold back the tears that fell onto the ground.
Rick walked up to you slowly and quietly, he placed his arms around you, gently kissing your cheek.
You automatically pulled the gun from your holster as you kicked him away from you, making him land on the floor.
God (Y.N) aren't you happy to see me or something?
You looked at him slightly confused.
Your supposed to be dead.. W-what happened?
Rick carefully got up, towering over you as he grabbed the gun.
T-This is all imagination (Y.N) I never died, your just imagining things. Wake up please..
You stared at him, gun gone feeling defencless.
You didn't care anymore, your arms wrapped around him as you pulled him close.
J-just a bad dream... Right Rick?
Rick looked down at you, kidding your forehead, holding you tight.
Yeah (Y.N).. just a bad dream.


Sorry for this crap chapter, I had to think of something and wanted to write It as fast as possible since... I just got back from school.
I need to re-watch Rick and Morty so the emotions hit me...
Uploading again tomorrow night
Oh yeah, Thanks so so so much for 70 reads!!

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