The most boring title

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You spoke gently letting out a sigh.
Rick looked at you as you were in the garage, him working on something.
He grunted underneath his breath in reply to your word.
How come you never go on adventures with Morty anymore...
Rick put down the screwdriver as he twirled around in the chair to face you
Well, I have stuff to do eghhrp..
M-Morty's probably bored to death of them.. I have you (Y.N)
You sighed as you walked out of the room, grabbing Morty from the couch as you re-entered the garage
"(Y-Y.N) what are y-yo~"
Morty, tell your grandpa that you don't find his adventures boring..
You were currently holding Morty infront of you by his shoulders.
"W-what? I don't find them b-boring... I actually m-miss them."
You smiled as you wrapped your arms around Morty from behind as you rested your chin on his head, smiling at Rick.
See Rick..
Rick got up out of the chair, hands in his pockets as he looked at the two of you.
He scratched the back of his hair as he knelt down to Morty
Y-you really want to g-go on another eghhrp adventure Morty..?
Morty smiled as he nodded
"I-I mean yeah Rick.. Of course I do I just don't l-like it when I nearly die and s-stuff."
Rick chuckled as he stood back up.
Well I can't eegghrp promise that..
You stood back up to, smiling at Rick and Morty as you let go of Morty.
Well since you really want my adventures back...
You and Morty both looked at Rick confused.
Rick raised his hands up quickly as he widened his eyes.

Rick Sanchez x reader one shots Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu