Valentines Special

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Thankyou to @DipperPines24 for suggesting me to do a valentines chapter :)


Today was valentines day, a day for love, romance and chocolates.
You woke up in Ricks bed, yawning as you got out, putting on a shirt and jeans to go downstairs in.
You eyes hung low as you said good morning to everyone, by that it was only Jerry
Surprisingly there was flowers and romantic decorations in the lounge, was this for you?
You widened your eyes looking happy and excited, well you were until Jerry walked in.

"Hey (Y.N) do you like what I've done for Beth?"
You felt your body sink, as you sat on the couch.
Yeah Jerry, its surprising that you actually did this...
Jerry let out a laugh,
"Yeah I know- wait what's that suppose to mean?"
You shook your head, standing up as you went into the kitchen to grab some juice and toast.

You wondered where Rick was, he was probably in the garage...
But he hadn't even said "goodmorning (Y.N)" to you like he always did, even if he was in a bad mood...
With Morty and Summer at school and Beth at work you didn't really know what to do.
You decided to knock on the door of the garage, hearing some shuffling before a unsure voice spoke.
Come in...

You opened the door to the garage, walking inside as you saw Rick at the desk.
Walking closer as you pulled up a chair next to him.
Sooo... What you doing?
You smile, Rick shrugging his shoulders as if he was hiding something.
Well, since your so enthusiastic about telling me I should tell you that its Valentines day today.
Rick rolled his eyes, finally engaging in real contact.
Yeah I know... The romance holiday, no thank you.

Well me and you can always have... Fun
You nudged him, raising your eyebrows. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Not now (Y.N) I need to finish this thing.
Rick spoke with a serious tone, your smile kind of fading
Okay Rick.... I'll just be in the lounge if you need me, not like you will today.
You let out a sigh, walking to the door as you left the garage.

Your body sank even more so you sat in the lounge next to Jerry, turning on the TV.
You spent the next few hours, still watching TV as you ate food by yourself, Jerry reading his newspaper occasionally looking at you to see the state you was in.
You rested your head back for a few minutes, Morty and Summer arriving through the door with Beth a few minutes after.

"Jeez (Y.N) y-you look terrible... Not like I mean to o-offend you or anything!"
You sat back normally on the couch, letting out a sigh.
"Wheres Rick?"
Morty spoke again looking to you.
In the garage... Working on a machine again.
Everyone kinda got the sense that you were sad but nobody wanted to say anything.
Instead, Morty went into the garage for a few minutes until you all heard clattering and some yelling.
You got up off the couch, opening the door to the garage to see the two yelling about you.

They both turned to you, Rick holding a machine in his arms as he spoke.
I've been meaning to show you something (Y.N)
You furrowed your eyebrows, slightly angry.
Rick, you can't just ignore me for the whole day and then come back to me when you find out another stupid thing about Jerry.
Rick walked to you, looking at you as he saw some chocolate on your bottom lip.
You looked pissed but soon that changed when he spoke.
You just have some... Chocolate on your lip that's all.

You went to wipe it off with your hand but Rick leant in for a kiss, you trying to pull away since you were still angry but he wouldn't let you.
A few moments later he pulled away, licking his lips at the chocolate on your lips.
He winked at you, sending you a blush but you were still slightly angry
Morty was still in the garage, he just looked so awkward as he walked by.

Rick placed his machine on the table as he took you by your waist.
Rick... I'm still angry at you, I don't care what this machine does I'm still pissed.
His hand pressed a button on the side, a hologram appearing ontop of the machine as it showed photos of you two and the family.
Photos of you and Rick sharing kisses, You, Rick and Morty on adventures, Making fun of Jerry.
It was a perfect gift.
Rick smirked, thinking you had forgiven him by this gift.
I still haven't forgiven you Rick.
Fine, If I take you out for ice cream will you?
You let out a wide smile to him nodding
As long as there isn't flies in my icecream then yes.
Rick kissed you once more, Beth looking to Jerry who let out a tear, head buried in hands.
"Why didn't I think of a gift like that?!"


This is to everyone who has supported me, read a chapter or two or even enjoy the content

Thank you so much!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been in a really odd place right now and just needed some time to think about stuff but hopefully this chapter was a nice thing for all of you.

I'll update soon, remember to leave ideas in the comments 

Peace oot

Rick Sanchez x reader one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora