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Pain. My leg was numb along with the rest of my emotions. Well except fear. For the first time in awhile I felt fear. For my life and others. I was numb with cold as I layed in a pile of snow on the ground. Above I saw a blurry image of Troy yelling. But I couldn't hear anything. Slowly I stood up and wobbled a bit to do so. When I was steady I started forward away from the mall. As soon as I was seeing clearly I started to run. Looking behind me once in awhile I notice men with guns in there hands chasing me. There mouths moved like they were yelling but my ears didn't pick up on the sounds. A bunch of trees came into view making me run faster. Inside I twisted and turned around each tree. Finding myself behind a large tree that hid my body from view. When I stood there I brought my hands up to my ears trying to see if anything could help. I wiggled my finger a little in my right and sound came back. But the left stayed silent. With my ear now listening I could hear voices and yelling in the distance. "Penelope", whispered a voice not far away from me. I looked around the corner and watched as Steve walked through the trees towards me. Scared I waited and didn't move. When he walked around the corner he jumped a little but stopped when he saw it was me. "Pen, Isaac sent me", I calmed a little at the sound of Isaac's name. But that went away fast when I realized Isaac said he hid his name to Blake for safety. If Isaac really told him his name, something must be wrong. "Where is Isaac", Steve said nothing as he grabbed my hand and pulled me through the woods. When I was about to give up on running he stopped in the middle of a clearing. He leaned down to the ground and started to feel for something. I stayed quiet giving that most likely he wouldn't answer anyway. His hand grabbed on to a handle pulling up. A door opened to a cellar. Steve pointed down and I did as told. He went too closing the door behind. Darkness surrounded us but at the bottom a little light flickered. We slowly headed down the stairs to the light. When we got to the bottom a large hallway stood with glass lanterns on the walls. "Where are we", I asked Steve. He took the lantern off the wall and said, "the malls escape route". Confused I continued to walk with Steve in front of me now. The hall had spider webs on the ceiling and rats running from our light. We walked for a good couple minutes when a door came into view. Slowly Steve opened it with the hand he wasn't using. Light came through and a person stood there pacing back and forth. When it was fully open he stopped and looked over to see it was Isaac. I walked to him as he speed walked to me. When we got to each other he wrapped me in his arms as I did the same. "We need to get going, if you want to go without notice", said Steve. We pulled away and nodded at him. He was right. Steve started to head down a different hall way then where we came in. Isaac stood behind me with a light in his hand. It was silent with only the noise of mouse squeaks and water droplets to be heard. Steve got to a door where he opened it for me and Isaac to enter. "This is where I leave you", he says showing a small smile at me and Isaac. I smiled and hugged him knowing that I might never see him again. He hugged back with the arm that was free. Isaac shook his hand and placed his hand on the small of my back when he was done. "Thank you", I told him as we left. Ours and Steve's light pull away from each other till we saw no sign of him. About 10 minutes pass and a door comes into view. I pulled it open to see a bunch of trees and a lake. The lake was frozen over and the ground was covered in more then a foot of snow. Wind blow towards us making me wrap my arms around myself. Isaac saw and wrapped his arm around me as we started off into the woods. It seemed endless and torture to walk in this cold. Even when Isaac got to a cabin that looked broken down and about ready to collapse I felt no joy in it. Isaac yanked the door open letting out a creak and a pile of snow to move with it. Inside was crumbling furniture and floorboards. Everything seemed to have just given up on what they use to be. Isaac left me making me realize how warm he was. He ran around grabbing logs that sat by the fireplace and started making a teepee with them. When he finished he grabbed something out of his pocked and started to fumble with it. Soon I realized it was a box of matches when he threw the stick into the pit. Slowly it started to light after a couple of tries. I slowly walked over to where he sat blowing on the fire and sat with him. Letting the warmth in. The fire got to a good hight and Isaac stopped blowing and just wrapped his arm around me. Helping me get warmer. I layed my head on his shoulders and closed my eyes. It has been a tiring morning. And it is not like I slept the best last night. My hang over is gone and my body aches for sleep.

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