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My head pounded as I lifted my head from the pillow. It felt like it was made of led and not stuffing. Sitting up I rub the spot on my head that I guessed they hit me groaning at every movement I made. I heard a buzz noise making me turn to every part of my room to find where it was coming from. A camera sat in my cell moving when ever I was not in shot. They are watching me. I was about to get up and close it from my view but stopped when I heard my cell open. "Gage wants to talk to you", he told me sternly. From the name the guy said yesterday, I'm going to guess this was Isaac. I nodded and stood up, just before I started to walk away from my cell I looked over to Cole. He sat looking at me as I left. Down the hall, again, I felt all eyes on me. But I guess that is not going to stop. Even if I go to a different part of the world. "Ah yes there she is", said the blonde that I could only call gage now. "You are probably wondering why I brought you here", he said with a smile that scared me. He made a hand movement to get Isaac out, just before he did he looked me in the eyes. And what surprised was the fact he didn't have the same eyes as everyone in the cell or even gage. But then it was gone like that and my attention was back to blonde dude. "Well I brought you here because I got a deal with you that you will not refuse", I swallowed before he could continue on. "I have made you a bedroom for you to stay in, but of course you need to be with our group", I raised a brow. Is he seriously thinking I would join these crazies and leave Cole in the cells. "No", I say faintly. A smirk comes to his face when he hears my voice. That is when I remembered that I have not spoken to him this whole time. "Oh cupcake, you do have a voice. I was getting worried Isaac lied to me about you talking", he stated. My jaw clenched. "I'm not joining your group", I told him again just to make sure he understood me. He nodded slowly before sitting back in his chair. "I'm going to guess it has something to do with that boy of yours", I said nothing to him. "Well, let's go with this plan then. You join us or I torture your little boyfriend", a smirk comes to his evil face. "Deal", my mind wondered. I can't let them hurt Cole. So without even thinking I said, "ok". It was faint and hard to hear, but he still heard and stood up with me. He laughed as he said, "oh that is wonderful". I said nothing. "You will be brought to your room as soon as possible. But I have to warn you, you do have a roommate", I also said nothing again as he walked me to the door. When it opened isaac stood with his back leaned on the wall. "Here's your new roommate", was all he said. Isaac looked at me with a smile. It was hard to tell what his feelings about this were. The next thing I know Isaac had a hold on my arm dragging down the hall. A minute passes and he lets go letting me walk with him. I said nothing to him. Just watched as the curly ends of his hair jumped with every step he took. He stopped in from of a door marked 4d and opened it with a key in his hand. The door opened to a blue and white room, it looked more like a living room. And the more I went it the more I realized it was a living room. Isaac put his stuff on a table and lead me to a room on the far right. Opening it it had a dark purple bedroom with white lining along the walls. It had all the essentials to a room like the bed, a dresser, side tables, and a desk. It was quite beautiful, and it was unbelievable that it was owned by crazy people. But I guess this whole world needs to be crazy to survive. Isaac said as he turned back to the living room, "bathrooms that way and dinner is served at 8". He then left me alone in the room. I shut the door and looked around, I can't believe I left Cole in the cells as I am here. But I needed to, he would be tortured if I said no. Falling onto the bed I sat and thought about this whole thing. How I was just yesterday waking up in a store with Cole. His scared look that he played off as frustrated. Shirt pushed up showing some of his stomach while he slept. The way he called me sweetheart when he was in a good mood. And didn't speak to me when he wasn't. Even the way he helped me when I was panicking about the lights being off. I just couldn't let him be tortured because of me, but I can't just leave him in there. I walked to the dresser to see a bunch of clothes from dresses to jeans. Looking down at myself I saw my shirt and jeans covered in blood and dirt, so I pick an outfit. When I finished I looked myself in the mirror in the corner of the room. I wore a plain blue jean shorts, and a basic t-shirt. Isaac knocked on my door softly making me walk over and open the door for him. He looked me up and down before meeting my eyes. Slowly coming to the words, "time for dinner". I nodded and stepped out the room closing the door behind me. Following him I found myself observing him. He was well built about a foot taller than me. A leather jacket was on him making him look like he was in a bad crowd. And I guess he is because he is here. Loud yelling started to get louder and louder as we got to a large cafeteria. Men filled every table with trays in front. I was scared to leave Isaac's side because of the looks the men gave me. Some said nasty things and others licked their lips with lust. Keeping my head down i followed Isaac to a line. We waited and then I felt a hand touch my butt making me sheik. The man who did it laughed, but not too long because Isaac gave him a mean look and brought me to stand in front of him. I felt like I wanted to cry, why did I ever agree to this. In my ear I hear, "not let them see you weak". His hot breath warmed me as it hit my neck, it was Isaac. Taking a breath I calmed myself and kept walking through the line. When we both got our trays Isaac lead us out and back to the room. On the way there he said, "it's better to stay in the room". I nodded, but didn't feel it was true. Being in the room made me think of how I left Cole in the cells. When we got to the room we both sat at the table next to the kitchen area and ate in silence. I could feels his eyes on me as I ate, but I acted like I didn't notice. "I never got your name", he states taking a bit of the slop they gave us. Sighing I say, "I'm Penelope, but most people call me Pen".

What do you guys think of Isaac so far? Let me know in the comments.

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