Truths to my writing process (not a chapter)

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The chapter when Penelope gets scared of being in the dark and in the bedroom I originally planned for Cole to kiss her. But I felt that was too cheesy.

I originally didn't want to add Isaac to the story. He was supposed to be just some guy that watched her in jail and helped her escape. He was also supposed to be in his 30s.

Was originally going to add Penelope as a shy 15 year old. But instead a half confident 17/18 year old was put in for mature reasons.

Troy was supposed to have a interest in Penelope but she didn't feel the same because she liked Cole. But instead I made Cole have the interest in pen but she rejects him because she likes Isaac. Mind blown.

I hate triangle love stories, makes me feel bad for the guys. But my story was originally going to be a love war between Cole and Troy, but again I hate love triangles.

On the chapter when they are on the ruff with Gage I first made Isaac die from the gun wound. With Penelope trying to stop the blood and stuff. But I changed it to the shot was not that bad and he survived it.

When Cole confesses that he has feeling for her and that is the reason he sent Isaac away was originally going to be a kiss scene. After he says he was jealous of her and Isaac's relationship she was going to realize that she liked him too and makes him kiss her. Than it rained and they went back to the house. But I felt that was too cheesy and changed it to her rejecting him and runs off. I wanted to also have a couple of chapters of Penelope development , and the only way I wanted for her to do that was for her to be alone. She needed to do it herself.

I asked my friend on Snapchat blue or green? She said blue, that is how I picked Isaac as Penelope's love interest. I thought she was going to say green so when she said blue I was kinda shocked.

I first made Penelope not ever meet the guy she killed for the truck. I just made her find Isaac right away.

Isaac was originally in the cabin when Penelope found the cabin again. They were going to talk all night till they kissed, but that is too cheesy.

I named Cole after the main boy in The white rabbit Chronicles.

Jack was originally going to be a bird, but when I was going through some of my childhood pictures I saw my uncles Great Dane. So A big dog is what I chose.

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