The tell tale heart

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Everything seemed to go in slow motion after my fifth cup of vodka. The burning was gone and the memories vanished. All I wanted to do is have fun with people. Henry introduced me to his friend group who accepted me in. From what i have got is that most of them are gay and are super fun. We blurt out songs together and dance. Like right now. Me Henry, Grayson and Brad are dancing in the middle of other guys yelling out the song playing. The funny thing is I don't know what the song is but my mouth is saying all the right words. As I was about to take a drink from my cup it was taken away by a tall figure. I turn to him and start laughing. "Oh my gosh it's Blake", Henry laughed and stood beside me looking him up and down. Isaac's face was mad and you could tell. Without saying anything he takes my hand but I grab it back. "Hey I'm not leaving I'm staying with my besties", I say turning to the boys I was dancing with. Each yelled out different things, "yeah party pooper", yelled Brad. "You can't steel my girl when our song is on". And the one that made me laugh, "you can take her if you do a strip tease". Laughing I high five them as I continued to dance. But it stopped when Isaac grabbed my waist and pulled me back wards. I giggled and started to back up to him letting my self rub him. He turned me around to face him soon after showing I had a big grin on my face. Without thinking I pulled his shirt as I got closer. Feeling his chest up and down, a little too low. "Pen stop", he says in my ear. I smile as I say, "oh come on baby I know you like it". His face was rough as he pushed me way by the shoulders holding me there. "Pen what is wrong with you", he says confused. I laugh again pushing my way back to him where I start kissing him. After a moment of trying to make him kiss back I pull away confused. "Are you not attracted to me", I say a little sad. Isaac shook his head and pulled me to his chest. I pushed away from him and started to walk away but was lifted soon after. When I was up I layed my head on his shoulder. That is when I blacked out.
I winced as I woke. My head felt like it was too heavy to lift. It hurt like a house was sat on top of it. And some one was stabbing me. I growned and opened my eyes and looked around. I layed in a bed. That is all I could get from my view. Lifting my hand I rub my temple as memories of the night came back. Slowly I sat up and whined the whole way up. When I opened my eyes again I looked around to see I was in a grey room with guys clothes on the floor mixed with my own. Confused I waited and that is when my mind came up with an answer. I lifted the blanket up fast to see I was dressed in a huge sweat shirt. Looking over to beside me I see an empty space where a person once was. I felt the bed and felt the cold of unused cloth. Whoever it was left a while ago. Slowly I stepped out of the bed and almost fell over from my head. I left the room to find a sliver living room that looked the same as mine but different color. Walking around I notice small things here and there of my clothing. Like my shoes. My shirt and underwear. I groaned at the sun coming through the window making me sheld my eyes. After a moment of getting use to light again I spotted a couple of papers on the coffee table. One was a to do list for what looked like an outside job, and the others were pages from a book. I couldn't put my finger on what one it was but it was familiar. Grabbing the first page I looked at the page. Red ink cycles marked quotes. Out of curiosity I read the first one I saw.
"I can still hear his heartbeat coming from the floorboards"
Confused and kinda scared I flipped the page over. The top gave me chills as it said, 'the tell tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe'. That is where I found it familiar. It was the book that Troy would always recommend me to read. His favorite book. And the creepiest book I ever read. I dropped the paper down and scrambled to get my clothes back on. When I pulled my shirt back on I started to run to the door. But when I got there the door was locked. I pulled and pulled but nothing moved. Freaking out a little I started to walk over to the window. Most of the rooms were on the second floor of the mall giving that the bottom was more for the stores. When I was at the window I pushed it up with ease to have a blast of winter air blow at me. I poked my head out seeing how far down it was. From my thoughts I think it was about a 40 foot drop. I was terrified, but if I wanted to get out of here I need to go. I turned around trying to find something I could use for rope. That's when I went into the room again and took all the clothes out of the drawers and started to tie them together. As fast as I could I got it done and dropped it out the window with one end tied to the inside of the room. Taking a deep breath I started to slowly head out of the window. I was never good at the rope climbing test in PE but climbing down was easier for me. I started down slowly and I was down half way when I heard a door open from above. Panicking I climbed faster but something started to pull me up. I looked up to see Troy pulling me up with a couple of his buddies. They were pulling faster then I was climbing. Then I got to the other end of the rope I was a little more then half way away from the ground. Before I was pulled up more I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and let the rope slip from my hands.

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