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The rest of the night we didn't talk much. Here and there we would ask a question but never really talked. We watched a movie that night, he said it might calm me down about the situation. But it didn't. It only made me think more. He seemed to be getting into the movie though. I sat on one side of the couch and him on the other. Sense the movie was not helping I turned my attention to him. Observing his features I noticed a birthmark on his jaw. He had stubble over his face but it was not too noticeable if you were not looking. His eyelashes were long and thick, curled to perfection. Brown/black hair fell over his forehead and stopped short. The hair was long enough for you to see curls forming at the ends. With his jacket off I noticed a scar down his right arm making him look rough. The muscles on his arms were too big for the holes of his shirt. To think of it, the shirt seemed to small for him everywhere. It was clear that he was fit no way denying it. Looking over to me he notices I was looking at him and smile. It was a kind smile, unlike all the other men around here who smile lustful smiles. And it made me smile back. From what I can see Isaac is the only person that doesn't want something from me. Which made me more comfortable to be staying in the same apartment as him. The movie ended making him stand up, "I got work to do tomorrow". He says leaving the room. I stood up and headed to my room but stop what I hear, "night pen". I turned to him to see he was standing in the door ways to his room. "Night", I smile and head into the room and close the door.

Night crept in making me have dreams. It started with me in my room, door wide open. "Penelope", said my drunk father as he walked in. I backed myself up to the wall with my knees up to my chest. "There you are", he says pulling me near him. I said nothing as he started to kiss my legs. I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for it to be over. It was gone and when I opened my eyes my mom stood in the kitchen cleaning dishes, I smile as I watch her for a minute. "Hey mom", she stopped and turned around to show a bolt hole in her head. She falls to the ground with a thud making me close my eyes from fear. When I opened them back up I was running through the woods, "Troy". My voice scared some birds that sat in a tree near me. But I kept my pace running, "Troy where are you". A bird flies toward me making me shrieks covering my face. Then I saw Cole. He was in chains with scares up and down his chest and back. His head hangs low as I walked in. "Cole", I said low. But he heard me and lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. His green eyes were dark now with anger. "This is your fault, you left me", he yelled at me standing up from the ground. I couldn't speak as he walked closer. When he got to a certain length the chains held him back. Inches away from me. "Why did you do this to me", he yelled in my face. I flinched looking away closing my eyes. When I opened them again I was standing in a room. Nothing was there but Grey walls. "Pen", said a voice behind me. Before I could turn I felt hand on my hips as they slowly go into a hug. His breath was hot on my neck. I knew who it was, it was Isaac. Closing my eyes I feel his arms release me. Opening them again I see I'm in a field of flowers, each blowing in the wind. A smile comes to my face. But soon vanishes when I look in the distance and see the flowers dying one by one. Confused, I didn't move as I watched it come closer and closer to me till I was left with one flower. Picking it out of the ground I look at it. It was blue with a dark green stem. The wind blow again making the dead ash of the flowers blow making me close my eyes. Opening them I find myself laying on a bed above me a sky full of colors. Sitting up I see lightning striking the ground all around me. But doesn't get too close, like I was in a bubble. "Hello", I yell into the distance. Nothing was heard, not even thunder. Lightning struck the ground every few seconds till one landed in front of me. I screamed bolting up from the bed. Isaac ran into my room and to my side. I shook as he pulled me into his arms. "Shh", he said softly in my ear as I said with sweat rolling down my forehead. His arm wrapped around my waist and his other held my face to his shoulder. My hands grabbed his arm hopping this was not another dream. Closing my eyes and reopening them I realized it wasn't a dream. Swallowed a lump in my throat as I start to calm down. But my grip on Isaac never lets go. "Shh you're alright", he says sending chills down my spine. We sat there for a couple minutes as he rocked me back and forth. Why did I feel so safe? His arms wrapped around me were warm making my head swirl with confusion. "What happen", his voice whispered to me. "Dreams", was all I said because I can't tell him these things. If I do I tell my story. Still rocking be back and forth he softly said, "you're ok now". I believed him. The way his arms felt on me felt protective and caring. When his hand slowly left my face I felt a little bit cold. My grip loosened from his arm. Lifting my face from his shoulder I looked at him. His blue eyes looked at me with a mix of curiosity and worry. I felt his arm let go from my waist. He stood up saying, "you should try and get some sleep", then started to walk out the door. But my mouth had another idea because it said, "can you stay". His hand was on the door knob by now ready to leave, but stopped when he heard. His head turned towards me, blue eyes looking at me. "Please", I say again still sitting up in the bed. He nodded and walked to the other side of my bed. I watched as he slowly made his way onto the bed and covering himself in the blanket. Laying down he looked up at me, so I lay down with him. I faced him looking into his crystal blue eyes. That is when I noticed how tired he looked. I must have woke him up when I screamed. As my mind wandered I felt a hand pull me towards him. When I was against his chest I lay my head against it hearing his heartbeat. His warmth filled me making my head sleepy. And like that I was sleeping, but this time with no dreams.

Don't Say That (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora