Meeting the dead

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The fire brightened the room as it crackled in the small fireplace in the living room across from the couch. After me and Troy talked about what he saw, we put everything away and made dinner for ourselves. It was too late for breakfast, oops. But I had my ravioli so I'm good. Troy went to bed soon after we ate saying that he didn't sleep well, so I made him go to the bedroom. I was know on the couch reading a book I found on one of the 3 shelves in the back room. As i was about to see when Alice was going to talk to Cole I paused when I heard a bang on the front door. I throw the blanket from on top of me off and set the book down on the table, I then walked over and looked out the window to see nothing but rain falling on the ground. When I started to walk back to the couch I laughed at myself. "Really Pen, getting scared of wind now. You're stronger than that", I said as I got back under the blanket.

When the sun came up the next day me and Troy both ventured out into the cold. It was the middle of fall and we live in the cold part of the united states. I wanted to show Troy the store, and I wanted to also see if anyone was there. Or if the owners got my money I left, I felt bad for taking all that food and not paying back. When we got there it looked exactly the same as it did the day before. Even the money was still on the counter, not even touched. "That's weird", I said as we walked in. Troy went and grabbed a basket off the floor and started piling things into it, mostly junk food like chips and candy bars. "What's weird", He asked as he grabbed a bag of veggie straws off the shelf. "Nothing", I say shaking my head. I wait at the door as he grabs what he wants. My eyes wonder as I wait, and my eyes land on the back room room. I walk over to it with my sights locked on the corner of the glass. When I got there I placed my finger on it feeling a sticky, gooey feeling. I put my hand up so I could see what it is, and what I saw was a red liquid on my index finger. "What the hell", I say to myself. As I was about to call Troy over to see I hear a loud slam on the door I was in front of. I look up to see a man with a, what looks like, a bite mark in his cheek. I backed up slowly, shaking as I do. Troy was caught in the corner of my eye making me realize that he was just as shocked as I was. "Troy, what is that", I knew whatever it was, was not what I call a person. My mom had one of those bites before she... before she passed. "Troy didn't say anything, but walked over to me and we walked out. I was freaking out but Troy just kept walking with his grip on my arm. When we were a good 2 minutes away from the store I stopped and pulled his grip off my arm. I was now in the middle of the street with Troy standing in front of me. "Pen lets go", he demanded I slapped his hand away before he could grab my arm again. "I'm not going anywhere with you like this", I told him putting my arms around myself to keep warm. He sighs before relaxing his shoulders and putting his hand out to me. I sigh as well taking his hand and continue to walk back to the cabin. When we got into view of the cabin I let go of Troy's hand and started walking to it. I was then pulled back by my arm and pulled into the woods that surrounded the cabin. I look over to see Troy holding my arm again. "Troy what the.." I was cut off when his hand went over my mouth. With his other hand he pointed to the other side of the street where I saw a girl in a black and blue dress on and a man with saggy pants and a black sweatshirt. But that was not what worried me, it was that the girl's leg and her right arm have a huge bite marks in them. With the man one side of his face was tarn off revealing his whole left set of teeth. I wanted to scream and run, but I knew that was a bad idea. Troy leaned down to my ear and whispered, "We can get in the cabin throw the back way, follow me". I nodded before we both walked slowly through the woods to the door. When we got in sight of the door I sighed and said, "Troy let's go". I started to run before I noticed that there were even more of those things around us. All of them started to look at us, I stopped running to the door but instead started running with Troy throw the woods. We ran so fast that everything around us became a blur to me. When we finally got out of the woods I noticed me were on a road. Troy looked at me and said, "Pen I need to you get back to the cabin okay, Follow the road and you will get there I promise". I shook my head as he spoke, "No, I can't leave without you". He sighed and pushed me the way down the road, "I will meet you there don't worry". I was about to protest when a herd of those things came thru the woods and split in between us, making me not see him any more. "Go Pen!", I heard him yell. I couldn't think of anything else to do so I just did what he told me. I ran down the dirt road, there was still some of the things behind me. Most of them went and followed Troy though. When I finally got to the cabin I opened the door and slammed the door shut. The things that followed me started banging on the door trying to get in. I backed up shaking till I hit the wall. I slid down the wall till I was sitting with my knees up to my chest. I could not help the tears that were going down my face, as I hid my face in my knees.


Sorry for missing last week.

I have been super stressed with midterms and having my best friend break my trust... I just didn't have the chance of going on here to upload. Hopefully I will be back on track.

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