Part 3- School years.

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Q: How was your general school experience?

A: Boring. My early school years were very awkward and random but also very playful. My mid school years were nearly a was then that I got a first taste of what emotional roller coasters are all about and when I first felt what could be described as 'teenage love and betrayals'. My last three school years were much better. I was maturing, my curiosity was at its peak, I was more confident and comfortable around my peers. By that time I did have a few close friends but I was able to get along well with most types of kids in my class. I've always been asocial though so I usually tended to avoid social situations, except for a few that I was willing to attend due to my good relationships with those involved.

Q: Do you ever feel like you didn't have enough chances at school, whether it's about your grades or socializing?

A: When it comes to grades I think they were mostly fair. My teachers would always say that I had great potential and I'd be so much better if I tried harder but I just couldn't be motivated enough to do so. Most school subjects were boring me and the majority of my interests had nothing to do with school. Excluding the subjects of history, physics and foreign languages which I did love and would excel at, I wasn't able to focus enough to have high grades in anything else so I'd always get average grades and that was fine for me. As for socializing, I do think that I had an unfair treatment by a few teachers when it comes to me being bullied in some occasions but nothing special.

Q: Was the bullying serious?

A: No it was always verbal and nothing I couldn't handle easily. I would usually have a good comeback ready to fire and most girls would shy away from bullying me again, knowing that I wasn't one to stay silent.

Q: How was your relationship with your teachers?

A: It depends. I had great relationships with those I respected and was fond of but I was pretty neutral or even cold towards those I wasn't impressed by. I used to find a lot of teachers quite boring and robotic so I would avoid them or just not pay much attention to them. The ones I disliked the most were the ones that treated us like four year olds, you know the whole ''tell me your names, what you like doing, let's get to know each other, play nice with your classmates'', etc.... those teachers made me wish I could skip their class entirely.

Q: Did you experience strong peer pressure?

A: Yes. Most of the school environments I was a part of were very loud and social. Most of my peers as well. I did go through several phases where I felt the need to be like those around me and even tried to change my behavior to match theirs. Especially during early high school years.


Skyywalls ♥♥

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