Part 9- Relationships.

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Q: Ideal kind of date for you?

A: A walk by a natural landscape, swimming or water sports, parasailing, aquarium visiting, picnic date.

Q: What kind of men attract you and why?

A: I don't know how to answer this...I don't have a specific type of men who attract me, anyone can attract me. I only know which types do not attract me.

Q: Alright then, which types of men do not attract you and why?

A: Rich snobs for obvious reasons, guys who think they're 'cool' just because they might have some tattoo or a good looking car, guys who want their woman to act like a robot or a servant for them, men who judge a woman's worth based on whether she agrees with their views or not and those who think that just because they're 'good' guys, women should automatically fall for them and when they don't that means they're 'stuck up b@tches'. I love it when people's masks fall so easily..

Q: You're in a relationship with someone and he cheats on you. Assuming that he regrets it, how many chances would you give him?

A: One more chance. I don't want to sound cheesy and say 'once a cheater, always a cheater' but if a man cheats on his woman twice, chances are that he's a trained cheater and the woman is only going to waste more precious time by giving him more chances. One should always be ready to allow their brain to work when the situation is so emotional that it can blind one's judgment. If he cheats on me once, I will forgive him. If he cheats on me twice, then he is a deliberate cheater and there's no reason for me to waste my time.

Q:Let's say that your partner has a dirty past. It could be about gangs, drugs or even jail time. Would you judge him about it? Would it make you want to give the relationship up?

A: Not really. Unless he is an unrepentant criminal or he has done something horrible for which he never got punished, like raping someone or has been involved in human trafficking, I wouldn't judge or break up with him. We all have a past and I try not to judge others (as much as I can), because I too have done and experienced things I'm not proud of.

Q: Besides cheating on and abusing you, what else would be a deal breaker for you, in a relationship?

A: Mocking or trying to change my beliefs.

Q: I might be going a thousand miles per hour but have you ever visualized your ideal kind of marriage?

A: It's fine and yes I have. You may already be able to guess that it would definitely not be an 'open' one. In fact, it would be as private as possible. I would love to have a little wedding ceremony in a tiny chapel with only those that are closest to me and my partner and be able to enjoy the wedding liturgy without any made up, cold and hypocritical shows of how to walk in the church, when to kiss the groom, how to hold hands and all that stupid stuff that ridicule the procedure and any true enjoyment of the wedding ceremony. After the wedding, I'd like to have a gathering of our people in a place of our choice.


Skyywalls ♥♥ 

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