Part 6- Socializing.

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Q: What's your general opinion on socializing?

A: It's something necessary. You can't live in a community or society without having even a basic form of social relationship with the people around you. I personally like to keep it 'cozy' only with those I know and like. I'm usually polite but distant with other people, maintaining only the typical type of socializing and nothing more.

Q: Do you ever avoid it?

A: More often than I'd like to admit.

Q: How good would you say you are at it?

A: That depends on whose criteria you follow. If I answer based on my criteria of 'good socializing', then I'm exactly how I should be at it. If I judge by most people's criteria on socializing, then I must be pretty average to bad with it.

Q: Are there things that you dislike or hate about socializing?

A: Well I definitely can't stand the casual gossip thing going on and I definitely hate questions about my personal life. I can answer general family or well-being questions just fine but I'll quickly get irritated when people start asking me about my personal affairs.

Q: Do you practice or put extra effort in your verbal and body language when you socialize?

A: Well I usually watch people around me and kind of 'absorb' their movements and words so when I socialize I often tend to mimic what I've copied from others (mostly my family) and I will usually try to maintain a proper body language and eye contact.


Skyywalls ♥♥  

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