Part 2- Family.

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Q: What does family mean to you? How much do you value it?

A: Family is a very basic and precious part of one's life. It's the group of 'my people', the ones I know will have my back no matter what and the ones that love me even if they don't really like me and vice versa. I love my family and I think the concept of family is fundamental for everyone so I definitely put it on my top first priorities.

Q: Do you think families are a major factor for the healthy development of INTPs?

A: I most certainly do. A family must be able to recognize and accept a child's personality and encourage its healthy development and if such a thing does not happen, it is way more likely for the INTP to grow up considering him/herself problematic than anything else. It all begins in a family and then moves towards the world outside. If things aren't healthy in the family, they won't be healthy outside of it either.

Q: What are some common mistakes that families of INTPs do when it comes to them?

A: I don't know if there are many mistakes they do but I do know of one very basic mistake that can cause other smaller ones to come up on the surface. Many families, often unknowingly, try to change the personality of their child into something that will be more fitting for the kid's school environment and social skills. By doing this, they make their child feel worthless as it is and oppress its true identity, thus forcing it to adopt a mannerism that has no relation to its true personality. That can only end up in having a child that is fully insecure, self-loathing, unable to pursue the areas of its talent and secretly aggressive due to lots of contained anger and sadness.

Q: What suggestions would you give to families of INTP children?

A: Knowledge is power. Knowing about your child, its personality traits, how to treat it and what not to do or say to it can only bring positive results. Never treat your child as if its different personality is something sick or unwanted. Always make sure to make them know that you love them exactly as they are and help them develop their character and talents by supporting them. You don't have to exaggerate with sweet words, just be honest and supportive. It will help them more.

Q: Is a potential family in your future priorities?

A: I'm honestly not sure. Right now I'm very focused on my work and personal interests but if the right man comes around and we get serious, everything is possible.


Skyywalls ♥♥ 

Not with the flow- An interview with an INTP woman.Where stories live. Discover now