Part 10- Politics.

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Q: Do you have a certain political party or side that you support?

A: Not really. I usually support the party that I deem more suitable and honest about its intentions for my country.

Q: What do you think about the current politics in your country and globally?

A: Well I think it's been made pretty clear to everyone that both in each country as well as globally, politicians are mostly hired agents who do a certain job and that most of them don't really care about promoting the interests of the people they hope to rule.

I'm pretty sure that even Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones would make a more genuine of a ruler than most 'rulers' today.

Q: Would you ever want to become a politician?

A: Nope, definitely not.

Q: Do you think that elections can be rigged in most countries?

A: Sure they can. I also think that the whole 'voting' system is more of an illusion for the people than a reality.

Q: Has any politician ever made you feel willing to fully support him/her?

A: No.

Q: Not even a female politician?

A: I don't vote a politician based on their gender. Female politicians can be just as horrible and corrupt as the male ones.


Skyywalls ♥♥

Not with the flow- An interview with an INTP woman.Where stories live. Discover now